Securing, moving, consolidating UTXO’s, etc is tricky and challenging even with guides. Yes, thanks for putting those together. I like the BTC Session videos too. Doing things the first time is obviously nerve wracking and yes you can start with small amounts, but that leaves a mess on chain or makes you end up paying way more in fees.
@DarthCoin - I believe you’ve stated here in the past that with your inheritance plan your kid(s) won’t get sats they don’t earn and some of your sats will go unused. That’s your choice, but not mine. We are not the same and that’s OK!
Just let your kids to read my guides and learn how to use Bitcoin better than you. So you call yourself "BitcoinIsTheFuture" but you don't "feel comfortable" to use it... LOL so much future. This is so funny and sad in the same time.
They are 5 and 6 years olds, so getting there lol. I have generational wealth secured in a way that I feel comfortable. And it’s way more secure than 2 years ago and in two years from now it will be even more secure. It’s a journey and that’s my future!
nah they are at the perfect age, they will surpass you soon. My daughter at age of 7 got her first BTC selling rubber bracelets online. They are smarter than us...
Ha agreed! Wow congrats, well done Dad!