The French parliament has moved a bill forward which would establish world-wide citizenship based taxation of French citizens who do not reside or earn in France proper. This is similar to the regime that both the United States and Eritrea have.
As Christine LaGarde said "if there is an escape, that escape will be used." They are moving to limit access to the lifeboats.
Coupled with the ECB's recent paper initiating the (completely predictable) narrative that Bitcoin and bitcoiners can be seen as responsible for nocoiner and late-comer harm, as well as the Minneapolis Fed's recent paper, the leviathans have started to notice.
"citizen"... such a nice and deceitful word.... Here are some definitions that will help you guys to open your eyes and understand the lie:
  • what is a citizen and a taxpayer - #520700
  • what is citizen passport - #521692
  • what is citizenship - #512296
Do you want to know more terms and definition that you until now have not fucking idea what they are? Here, read all Lux pills: #586916
Language is the most flexible thing in the world.
I have found it is best to define the words for discussions. Otherwise you talk past each other. Languages are anarchy. There are no rulers. So, in order to have clarity best define what you mean and never assume.
Would you choose to surrender the protection and support your nation state provides?
Is not "my nation state". I never asked for their "services". I never signed any contract to "protect" me.
Stop redefining words It’s misinformation
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @xz 22 Oct
Citizen ship only applies to nautical travel
Air travel obviates citizenship
Rich people have citizen yacht
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @xz 22 Oct
a fork in the etymology?
\ˌship\ noun suffix (-s) Etymology: Middle English -schipe, -shipe, -ship, from Old English -scipe; akin to Old Frisian -skip, -skipi -ship, Old Saxon -skap, -skepi, -skipi, Old High German -scaf, -scaft, Old Norse -skapr; all from a prehistoric Germanic word represented by Old High German scaf nature, condition, quality; akin to Old English sceppan, scyppan to shape — more at shape
Are you being serious, or spreading ... mis in format ion ?
The reaction to lux pills is borderline circle jerk
They all have a common theme: we are all slaves to the state which is actually a corporation. Who are the shareholders?
This is just the beginning. All forces will now be joining hands to conspire against Bitcoin because they see it as a threat.
This will be interesting to see how people react to this in Europe? I see a civil unrest is long overdue in France.
They probably won't react, they are only interested in making sure that the nanny state will protect their "free" social benefits.
For this, they will protest loudly for a couple of weeks and go back to being sheep while thinking they are lions.
disclaimer: I left France 25 years ago 😉
Why would they protest it mostly affects French people living overseas? They might even support it so that more people fund the bankrupt nanny state
I'm surprised this wasn't already the case. These states will literally do whatever they can get away with. They learned they can get away with a lot more over the past few years.
I will not focus on the absurdity of this taxation, but rather on the absurdity of how the state uses the tax. How this will be reversed to improve the lives of citizens... I already anticipate, NOTHING! People are crushed by excessive taxes due to problems that the state itself created
Would you prefer to live without the protection and support of the state?
I didn't write about eliminating the existence of the state, because there is no basis in reality for that... I only mentioned the inefficiency of the state in providing a better life for its citizens. we must always criticize the private state as a supervisory body. No government can withstand the enormous pressure from the people.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 23h
Eventually, governments are again going to tax their citizens by the number of windows in their houses. It's just a matter of time... 😅
States will do everything possible to continue extracting wealth from us, the ordinary citizens, for this reason and for more, every day I am more convinced of my true long-term objective, to achieve a true "Systematic Freedom" to live quietly somewhere that remains the "Wild West" legally. And simply go unnoticed among the mortals who remain trapped in the FIAT system.
If there is a printer it will be used. I'm moving to limit access to the printer.
Revoke your citizenship and move to Paraguay (easier said than done if you have kids of course):
hopping from one human tax farm to another is not a great long-term solution, gets tiring
Have a look into Paraguay tax regime, it’s quite compelling
Your solution to overbearing government is then?
stop participating in the mind-control by the one-eye (govern-ment mono-eye) to the extent of your conviction and abilities, do not watch the state news too much.
money is controlled by religion, military, and banking thru information media - these are not separate institutions, but one system of control disguised as three - always has been this way, for millennia. in other words, money is a state of mind in which people pledge allegiance to some idol. on a related note, do not let bitcoin or satoshi become a god.
after all, the people are the participants; without participants there is no game.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Garth 10h
I’m sorry but this sounds like a response from a juvenile. I’ve spent years considering options and keeping those options open seems to be a valid strategy. Good luck with your approach kid.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @zapsammy 4h
i'm sorry u have wasted a lot of life force thinking and walking about a maze with no exits. u now have an opportunity to start on the real education.
That’s interesting. I had no idea the US had such a system.
The US has had such a system for awhile, but from what I can tell it was formalized in the 1960s (along with an exit tax).
Eritrea did this and also enacted an exit tax. The story I heard is that the Eritrean finance minister went to school with (or was otherwise friends with) Timothy Geithner, and established it based on conversations with him. I can't find evidence of this quickly, but it's what I heard years ago.
Isn’t Eritrea 🇪🇷 a poor country?