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Hello everyone! I just launched this website where you can use Bitcoin to sign and vote in the upcoming U.S. election.
The voting process is very simple:
Submit your Bitcoin address. Choose your candidate. Sign the plaintext generated by the system and submit your signature. Once submitted, your vote is complete – no registration or fees required. Voting Rules: The address balance must not be zero. The system will periodically check the balances of all participating addresses and update the vote count accordingly. If an address submits signatures for multiple candidates, only the latest signature will be counted, and the previous candidate’s vote will be revoked.
All participating addresses, plaintext messages, and signatures will be publicly available for audit.
Enjoy and have fun! 🎉
P.S. I know the website could be better organized, but time is limited for now. Please use Ctrl+F to search for your district!
You did this just for fun?
Maybe to piss me off :) But anyways, he paid to post and also boosted, soo.... more sats for me.
Would he spend 160K just to annoy you? 😂
Many people in this fucked up world still do not realize the true power of every sat. But I respect his willingness to throw away his sats. In the end SN is a "pay to post" platform.
This is a pure example of NOT spending wisely your sats. Somebody will cry harder later.
Perhaps a lesson on the value of a sat would be appropriate. Will you be administering it soon? Looks like people need it.
I viewed the post purely to see your reactions.
hahaha me too.
You're going to send a monkey with an AK to my political post, but just give this post a stern finger pointing?
I call shenanigans!!!!
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Hello everyone, I would also like to receive Bitcoin for no reason and nothing in return. Send it right my way: tomlaies@stacker.news
you should sign "fuck the banks" as a message
that FTB is always in my bio :)
The force is strong with you!!! FTB will take a lot of force.
This is better than the “Game of Thrones” Tyron Lannister puke GIF!
check this one too
just to imagine how bad the situation is
Good, but it looks like AI did the picture.
nope, apparently was a security camera catching the moment when the horse eat some crap from that store and start puking
That is an amazing picture, then. The usual cctv picture is a POS. Fully pixelated.
Two addresses completely determine the outcome of the vote at this point. Even just one address.
Guess it was fun for you to code and set up :)
Wow even dumber than actually voting is fake voting where you burn bitcoin.
What a waste!
There’s no need to burn or spend Bitcoin in this project. It simply uses the user’s Bitcoin address and signature to verify the endorsement, and the Bitcoin remains 100% in the user’s own address
what kind of scam is this?
Could you tell us more about the purpose of this project? It's not clear to me what do you want to accomplish.
Thank you for your interest in this project.
I recommend checking out the About page on our website: https://koinvote.com/en/about
If you’d like to dive deeper into our vision and objectives, feel free to check out our thread on X (formerly Twitter): https://x.com/koinvote/status/1850749830491980096?s=46&t=Fs4HDyLcpVcIkwheq
The essence of domestic elections is to prevent civil war. If international elections were possible, it might provide an opportunity to achieve world peace.
Democracy is a pretty lame system, but plutocracy could be even worse.
Definitely better than war.
deleted by author
Would love to hear how adoption goes ^_^
idgaf who you voted for
But the official trump website didn't link to their krypt0 D0nat1ons page. You had to google it. Then you are forced to use "coinbase". Gross.
Likely the same was true for the harris campaign.
Did you did that for fun?
Did someone actually vote Kamala with 450 BTC?
This is a fascinating way to engage voters using Bitcoin! I do have some concerns about privacy and security, though. It would be great to hear others' thoughts and any suggestions for improving the site!
Nice try fed, doxing my pubkey we don't do that here
Signing a text message doesn’t expose your public key.
What happens if a bunch of people down zap this? Anything? If we all hit it hard enough, could we pull it off the top of the board? @ek @k00b ??
for what purpose? why send bitcoin address?
To endorse your candidate by proving your Bitcoin holdings with a Bitcoin signature. Your Bitcoin address is needed to verify the signature.
are there instructions on how to sign this?
Ah thanks! I've been mainly working out of app wallets and need to check out electrum
The title is an oxymoron
Could you elaborate on what you mean by ‘oxymoron’? I’d like to understand better
He views Bitcoin and "Endorsing" mainstream US candidates as fundamentally incompatible.
And because Bitcoiners can't just say things and speak in tongues instead he gave you this smug dismissive answer
you are calling someone else smug, Mr Kettle?
You said it for me.
Just say it man. There is no reason to post riddles if other people can't figure it out.
I would have. I was just busy. I am happy to share anything I believe. And you said it so well.
Your vote is is POW for fiat chain.
Quit shit coining.
Could you please elaborate? I don’t quite understand what you mean
You voting is a consensus mechanism enabling current political affairs. You vote for the lesser of two evils and become complacent in their faults. Fiat currency is printed to balance debts with the International Monetary Fund, which blackmails NATO into invading non IMF countries under threat of global economic collapse.
Voting gives consensus to the agendas of politicians who convence us of impending war in order to fill their pockets.
Oceana was always at war with Eurasia.
Thank you for your insight. My view is that the issues you mentioned stem from traditional voting systems, not Bitcoin voting. If Bitcoin successfully becomes a form of political power, power groups would need to buy Bitcoin to support themselves. This means more funds would flow into Bitcoin instead of fueling wars, making wars too costly. After all, wars cannot seize Bitcoin, which changes the dynamics of power and reduces the incentives for conflict
Bitcoin doesn't solve everything. Some things we need to do for outselfs
I feel like this violates all anonymity.
Didn’t some dude get prosecuted, rum .. persecuted, for doing the exact same thing. If I remember correctly, he got a nice stiff jail sentence for it. Do we like tempting TPTB?
May I know who he is?
Sure, he is Douglass Mackey. He was, of course, convicted by a jury in the Bronx in New York City. I say, of course, because he is appealing this on the basis of the First Amendment and probably would not have been convicted anywhere else.
I hate these automagical spell checkers. They seem to f up a lot of sh*t. If I type it correctly, I expect to see what I typed not some AI POS. Grrrrrrrrr…..rrrrrrr……rrrrrr
Urrmmm. NOT rum
Nice try FBI.
What is the point of this? Is this another prediction market?
I wouldn’t call it a market because there are no transactions involved
Then what am I sending BTC to?
You don’t actually send any BTC. It’s just signing a plain text that includes the candidate’s name, time, and other details. You still retain 100% ownership of your coins
Is this a pilot?
It’s not a pilot, but the official launch of KoinVote. However, we are continuously working on improving the UI/UX
exactly what is the point:).
Looks like he is trying for the one ring.
now we're talking
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stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
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stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.