Every node bundle (umbrel, raspiblitz, MyNode, etc.) should add I2P alongside Tor .
Start by running I2Pd and configuring bitcoin-core (easy).
Then expose services over .I2P urls (medium).
Then, we get LN implementations to support it (hard).
Then, node bundlers configure their LNs for I2P (should be easy).
Then, we get wallets, coinjoin tools, etc. to support it (hard).
Any of these tasks will make the Bitcoin sovereign stack more reliable than just Tor alone. We also have a chance for Bitcoiners to double the size of I2P's p2p network.
That would be nice. The i2p network does need more routers and bandwidth.
Then, we get LN implementations to support it (hard).
Problem here is latency. Even Tor sucks in this regard and I2P is even worse. Definitely not suitable for routing nodes.
Evidence that I2P has worse latency? My experience has been the opposite.
I2P isn’t as anonymous as Tor, but is still a useful tool and we should have that option.
I2P has a smaller anonset because the network has fewer users. I2P has the same potential to be as big as Tor (and equally anonymous). Plus, it does lots of things better than Tor. And more in-line with Bitcoiner's values: less trust, less centralization.
Personal experience.
Not sure if this even makes sense, but did you share enough bandwidth with your router?
There is currently I2P guide for RaspiBolt as a bonus guide, plan is to move it to main guide in the future - https://raspibolt.org/guide/bonus/bitcoin/i2p.html .
For RaspiBlitz there is open PR - https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/pull/3330.
Agree that every guide / bundle using Tor for bitcoind should also add I2P.
Yas! Let's go!!