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This is a recurring post inspired by discussions had by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to release a new Golden Oldies every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
Here is a feast for all you Stacker News data junkies. I don’t know how he collected all this stuff, but that’s what makes @davidw who he is. Now that he’s no longer posting, maybe someone with the chops to do it will pick up where he left off.
I decided to make it an all @davidw week! I couldn’t go wrong.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
Here’s a link to last week’s post:
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@davidw in the spotlight today! Great posts from a great stacker. Too bad we don't see him around here anymore!
It is a shame
I decided to make it an all @davidw week! I couldn’t go wrong.
I agree with you! They are both great posts!
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
I think it would be a good idea (I don't know how it could be implemented) to have a section on SN listing all these good evergreen posts, so stackers can return and read them, and be inspired to write such great posts, too.
You should be able to find a lot of them by looking at the top posts all-time.
I know that.
Do you want that to be more visible or do you have something else in mind? Maybe something with more curation or that's ranked in a different way?
I was thinking something like having another section next to random and listing evergreen posts there, but I think it should be done manually and someone has to choose which posts deserve evergreen status and which do not. This is probably not the style of this website format. It was just a thought.
I think eventually there will be more of an onboarding process for new stackers: i.e. "Getting Started on Stacker News". I imagine something like that could include All-Time Great Posts, as decided by the stackers.
@davidw is a legend. I'm hopeful he comes back after the elections. He was there on Oct 12 with a few comments.
The first post appeared right after one day I joined SN and I was surprised and been thinking for a few days how he got to that analysis.
He's among my favourites to read.
Thanks @siggy47, I haven't gone through the black hole post so far.
I love the black hole post.
It's a matter of perspective, in a way. From the fiat perspective bitcoin is a black hole, but from our perspective it's a white hole.
This is similar to the perspective change of being inside the black hole vs being outside.
I know. I completely forgot about this until I started preparing for this week's post.
yeah really good read !
The black hole post is one of my favourite posts ever on SN.
That first post hit two days after I joined, and man was it incredibly useful to get me up to speed.
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