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0 sats \ 9 replies \ @DarthCoin 30 Oct 2024 \ on: AMA with Start9 AMA
That sounds like a virtue signaling or walled garden, shooting themselves in own foot.
What is wrong with giving support over Telegram? Nothing.
Scammers are totally out of control, abusing customers relentlessly. It is not safe at all. A "walled garden" (lol) is the only way to prevent scams. Think of it like having friend over to your secure home instead of a public park in a warzone.
No, telegram have an unique ID for each user, but yeah you have to activate it in advanced features. Then you can block them by ID.
Will not take too much until scammers will join Matrix too.
We block scammers all the time. They just come back with a different ID lol.
We will not have a scammer issue on the private server, because we are charging $$$ to join the server. You get removed, the only way to rejoin is to pay again, which scammers won't do. Problem sovled. It's the only way to solve it
I understand there's some controversy with some things mr Saylor has said recently but I do remember him speaking quite eloquently about this issue and one solution in the form of what may be called an "orange check" that internet money like bitcoin can provide.
I don't see any other practical way to stop spam myself. And it's just so friggin' simple, easy to understand and seems like it can't be that hard to implement.
I don't understand why more websites and email providers haven't begun offering this feature years ago.
I guess that bigger network effects are needed to make it a viable solution and it may not be worth the effort for these websites given that so few people own btc, and an even smaller fraction lightning. Then again it wouldn't have to be bitcoin perse. As long as there is some cost. Could be X tokens.
I'd have hoped that X would have been one of those trailblazers by now helping bootstrap initial network effects and introducing the idea, seeding the zeitgeist. Of course they've got lots on their plate as well so can't blame 'em that much.
In early days when you turn on "orange check mode" nearly everything will be blocked since so few people have set up the payment rails but the way to get it to catch on I'd think is to offer the ability to turn on "orange filtering" or just "money filtering" client side and have the user be able to select treshholds and amounts and also have sensible default settings.
I agree with make them pay...
That's how SN works too, pay to post.

btw, why don't you make a Start9 territory on SN?
We absolutely should, mostly just busy as hell
Matrix does not require a phone number, does not require you to use a third party, closed source server, and does not necessitate the installation of a compiled application on a users device
So why not plain nostr chat then?
Funny that NostrDevteam didn't mention that :)
We love Nostr
But we will continue to use Matrix until a serious competitor is built
Matrix is mature, battle tested, performant, and reliable
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