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I like when people that never lived in communism are making fun of it, but they do not realize they are living in a socialist regime without even knowing that socialism = communism with a bit more lipstick and colored balloons. Each one of western countries today is a socialist country (but they do not see it yet). None of them is capitalist.
"The sleep of the nation gives birth to monsters"...
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Ive never lived in a communist country but I def realize that the US is highly socialist and one of the most centrally regulated jurisdictions in the world.
Only bitcoin is capitalist, IMO.
Most of the so called capitalist democracies are actually a soup of pretty much every existing ideology. Maybe both ends of the spectrum would be US being a country born with libertarian ideas and is descending into a socialist society, and then you have China with its communist core but lots of capitalist policies, exceptions, and whatnot.
Being a simple-minded engineer I like to see things in terms of problem & solution space, it helps me understand what exactly the problems are and what could be the various solutions that could address such a problem. I like to think that each ideology has its pros and cons and they might be better than others in different moments or circumstances.
For example, there are many decadent "capitalist democracies" that are broken in various ways, and then you have monarchies and autocracies growing by many of the common human-development indicators.
Bottom line is that I believe there is no guarantees or perfect governance model, in any case I will always choose freedom over control. Fuck the system.