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Some memes are just so good that you gladly pay 1,000 sats to share them with your fellow libertarian thinkers.
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Here, you are welcome
A pleasure to make business Sr
Much better, thanks for correcting it.
My pleasure Sr
A happy communist is a communist who lives in a capitalist country
In my home country we used to have another saying: the only good communist is a dead communist.
I like it
THIS one 👍
There are none, they are all wengers. They wenge about every little slight no matter how slight!
They only like a capitalist country as long as there is still money to suck from the economy without return.
A happy communist? Never met one.
I already. My friend who is a lawyer who came from a rich family, and talks about the hardships and contradictions caused by capitalism, but he doesn't realize how he benefits from it. He is known for being the communist of the gated community 😂
Rich kid communists are the worst.
These are definitely the worst... ask some of them if they agree to share their wealth 🤣
You can theorize about communism, but if you haven't lived under communism you can't understand it because it's inexplicable. IMAGINE ALL THE ABSURD AND COUNTERPRODUCTIVE DECISIONS, NOW, RAISE IT TO THE POWER n, NOW, SINCE THERE'S STILL MORE TO ADD UP.
The limit of the irrational raised to the nth power when the irrational tends to infinity = communism
I like when people that never lived in communism are making fun of it, but they do not realize they are living in a socialist regime without even knowing that socialism = communism with a bit more lipstick and colored balloons. Each one of western countries today is a socialist country (but they do not see it yet). None of them is capitalist.
"The sleep of the nation gives birth to monsters"...
Ive never lived in a communist country but I def realize that the US is highly socialist and one of the most centrally regulated jurisdictions in the world.
Only bitcoin is capitalist, IMO.
Most of the so called capitalist democracies are actually a soup of pretty much every existing ideology. Maybe both ends of the spectrum would be US being a country born with libertarian ideas and is descending into a socialist society, and then you have China with its communist core but lots of capitalist policies, exceptions, and whatnot.
Being a simple-minded engineer I like to see things in terms of problem & solution space, it helps me understand what exactly the problems are and what could be the various solutions that could address such a problem. I like to think that each ideology has its pros and cons and they might be better than others in different moments or circumstances.
For example, there are many decadent "capitalist democracies" that are broken in various ways, and then you have monarchies and autocracies growing by many of the common human-development indicators.
Bottom line is that I believe there is no guarantees or perfect governance model, in any case I will always choose freedom over control. Fuck the system.
Communism is one of the worst systems of government that exists, its vivid example is breaking your leg and then giving you crutches.
You mean selling you crutches... :-)
to give them to you, my friend.
The joke is that communists always claim that no one has practiced real communism
Communism always collapses before it is fully implemented but apparently it is not enough proof of its stupidity
The most fundamental argument against Communism, well established by Mises, is that not only it fails catastrophically in practice, but it's fundamentally flawed even in its own ideal theoretical frame: Communism proposes to solve The Calculation Problem via central planning, declaring that infinite, random variables are manageable by a small group of people in a deterministic way. The Pigeonhole principle implies that assumption is physically impossible, which is one of the reasons Communism, in it's inability to manage the entirety of reality in a deterministic way, tries to reduce nature. That's why it always tends to denaturalize men: only grey colour, single wardrobe line, single thought, only one state media, only one approved book, only a set of approved food, only one car company, etc etc etc. The inhuman nature of communism is actually a visual symptom of a desperate attempt from the omnipotent central planners to reduce reality to something they can manage.
So in strict terms, I would change the meme and place the "Communism in Theory" text right above where the "Communism in Practice" text.
The Communist Party through a story:
A plane crashed in a jungle and three people survived. A RUSSIAN, AN AMERICAN AND A CUBAN. They were trapped by cannibals. The council of elders of the tribe gave them a chance to get out alive: THEY WOULD BE SAVED IF THEY ASKED THE COUNCIL OF ELDERS A QUESTION AND THEY COULD NOT ANSWER.
First the Russian: What is the quantum field theory?
The council of elders met and the next day they gave the Russian's question an answer. THE RUSSIAN WAS KILLED AND EATEN.
Second the American: Describe Einstein's theory of relativity.
The council of elders responded in 2 days. THE AMERICAN DIED AND THEY ATE HIM
The Cuban's turn: What is a PCC (Cuban Communist Party) meeting?
The council of elders spent a month and had no answer.
The Cuban saved. But before leaving they asked him for the answer and he said:
I like you.
Please keep posting here on SN.
Without a doubt, my friend, I will continue publishing, and if it is against communism, even less so. I have been suffering under the curse of communism for 50 years.
The saddest thing is that we will never get rid of the communist socialists... there is still a lot of ignorance in the world and that is the main ingredient that communist leaders use to prepare their stew...