Before i trigger Darth, i would like to say that, i personally, would welcome a btc standard and i think it would make the world a better place and keep govs honest.
But, i cannot imagine any scenario in which any gov would ever allow it because they would lose the power of printing money out of thin air.
the people would welcome it as it would keep the gov more honest and stop their ability to wage all kinds of super long wars (short wars still on the table), but the gov doesn't want to be more honest.
I just cannot imagine a government, even a seemingly benevolent one like Sweden or Singapore, giving up the power of printing money. shit, the whole reason the world ended up going off gold was because during war times everyone started overprinting unbacked paper and then it was like game theory and they all started doing it.
am i being naive about this, or would there be some compelling reason for govs to go back to a hard money standard?