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It appears from my own investigating that 99% of users on SN have anonymous profiles, usually with some cartoon picture. Why do you not show your real face? Am I in some kind of danger for having my name (first only), area code and face in my profile? I'm genuinely curious why most users have anonymous profiles on SN. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I stack bitcoin. I have my own wallet. The only way to get my money is to torture me until I give you my words. Here's my name and face.....
That's true! There are lot's of incidents where people who hodl btc were kidnapped/killed/tortured for seed phrase. Even though if people own very small amount and they think what will someone do by taking these? I would say badactors cannot be convinced and will always see you as a bag of cash. You should never go to btc meetups too(if not many people know about it or not looks familiar to you).
Stay safe!
And OP I'm damn sure someone might be busy reading your posts and comments as soon as they saw your question.
Forums are usually pseudonymous because the format lends itself to more vulnerability, so most of us opt for pseudonymity. Status/identity are also relatively unimportant in forums because ideas contend more than personalities/lifestyles/brands/larps do. Also, bitcoin is controversial and it's relatively dangerous to broadcast that you own bitcoin.
SN considers privacy a core value for these reasons (and it's a value we can uniquely provide given that SN is a paid service) so we do things like not storing email addresses associated with accounts in plaintext, provide real deletes, allow you to delete your withdrawal invoices, (try) to provide a working onion address, allow commenting and posting without an account, etc.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I have since changed my profile. Thank you.
deleted by author
Do you understand the notion of PUBLIC and PRIVATE?
  1. What you do on internet is PUBLIC, visible to everyone. Anything on internet is virtual, it doesn't exist in the realm of the living. Any entity on internet is an avatar, a virtual identity separated from your physical living body.
  2. What you do in your home and in your real living life is PRIVATE. You cannot be a virtual identity in the same time as being a real living man.
If you draw a cat on a paper, you cannot say that the cat next to you is the same cat from that paper.
If you mix public with private, then you must be responsible for your own actions. Now come the question: do you want to be fully responsible for the actions of a virtual avatar on internet?
Privacy means when you separate public from private.
No, I don't understand public vs. private. Thank God I have you to explain it to me. You're so smart! You should feel proud of yourself! You should check out this corner of the internet for gifted high IQ people like you: r/iamverysmart
No, I don't understand public vs. private.
Then you are a moron. Goodbye
I was being sarcastic. Nice ad hominem by the way, Mr. smarty pants.
Ok, good reasons. I've changed my profile. Thank you.
My humble advice to you is to not disclose your info here (or if possible anywhere online). And that too Name, area code, and face etc? This much information can be traced back to you just remember.
Even founders @k00b @ek don't give this much info about themselves!