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There seems to be this trend in social media. A new platform is made, it's super cool for a while, then something terrible happens and now it's horrible and unusable. I think we can all agree that Stacker.news is pretty awesome, at the moment. Otherwise, why are you here? IMO, taking away our ability to earn satoshis, and an influx of "wokeness" would be ruinous. In your opinion, what could happen that would ruin it? (was going to post in AskSN, but that territory has been archived)
Lack of growth, lack of breadth of discussion topics, k00b selling to someone who doesn’t prioritize the same things he does, one territory becoming too successful (also ties into the lack of breadth), too many bots and sats farmers, invasive ads (a bit of ads/corporate sponsorship is inevitable but if all you see is ads like some forums it erodes experience), going non custodial being too much of a pain point for users, another v4v platform taking users away. I am sure there are a lot more but those are some. There are many ways SN or any business for that matter can fail. It’s good to be aware of them but not dwell on them. If you build a great product or service and keep your users/customers happy things will generally work out.
This is the best answer to this question. However, I believe that SN is gonna evade all this because of the variety of people coming to the platform from everywhere with a variety of backgrounds.
I also believe that you will definitely give that breadth to SN by owning a very successful territory ~stacker_sports.
There are a few who are trying to make SN an echo chamber but they won't be successful.
Excellent comment.
I think the most realistic one is a rapid influx of low quality stackers (could be woke, but could be something else).
A flood of obnoxious comments might drive away our thoughtful writers and whatever content gets elevated would be garbage.
when the Eternal September arrives, we will probably need citadels on SN
What would that look like?
invite-only territories
That clearly has a role, but wouldn't a first step be a mechanism to ban people from territories?
29 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Nov 2024
Mhhh, yes, that would be a lower hanging fruit.
But bans would be completely new territory for us (pun intended).
low quality stickers This. The LQS crowd takes over and spews litter, territories raise sat rates to post to the point where no rational stacker wants to post (it's called Stacker News, not Spender News).
I agree! You know there are people who ask openly "how much you HODL?👀"
God save the West
But what do you mean by low quality? On what basis or filter can a comment or post be classified?
It's in the eye of the beholder, but most of us feel like SN posts and comments are higher quality and that stackers are more thoughtful than what you generally find on the internet.
It is certainly true, but we have all learned things from the Internet, right? Or have you learned everything from books? That is because SN gives us the opportunity to see different content and different comments, which helps us to have different types of points of view, right? And that makes this platform pluralistic and tolerant of all types of comments.
No, we have downzapping specifically to deal with low quality content. Being pluralistic in no way implies being accepting of everything.
This is a value-for-value platform, which means comments and posts should be providing value to someone here.
We totally agree on that, sorry if I misunderstood you.
Thanks for sharing your opinion!
I'll probably flesh this out more and pose this to everyone on SN, but some combination of i) a giant user influx (maybe 10xing the current size) and ii) people trying to sat farm (like karma farming on Reddit) where people are just mass publishing popular content from other sites for satbait. The combination would be lethal, especially if the influx of people validate the satfarming / satbait because they are treating SN's culture like it's a mainstream content site (i.e., the most popular subreddits, buzzfeed clickbait). One pro of stacker.news is that people with less access to sats with personal capital can build a small stack here, but the flip side of that is that people with lower incomes could see this as a legitimate form of income and try to mass post to satfarm and push out other content.
Do you think if there were a lot of people in SN it would go bankrupt? Or would it be harder to win or stack Sats?
It depends on how generous the stackers are. @k00b donates a 100k sats a day to the reward pool, and I think that helps bootstrap SN, but not sure how long he can do it, or how it scales. It depends on the users I suppose. The Sybil fee helps for sure.
Good question and good response. I would imagine the more “mainstream” SN got, the more people would be in it for the rewards. That being said, I wonder how many people give more than they receive on here and how people think about their balance / reupping their wallet.
I think that would also be crazy haha this is an excellent platform.
It'll be interesting to watch the stats when SN completes the non-custodial wallet migration.
Related to the other threads, what about the idea of making SN invite-only (maybe capping the invites) where your reputation and earnings are tied to the reputation of the people you refer? (I don't believe this is the case now, while referral fees are tied)
It's all about the quality of the users and the posts. Stacker News needs to do everything it can to keep high quality users and posts and discourage low quality ones.
Adding shitcoins.
I think my colleague @grayruby already said it all hahaha. #769574 Excellent comment. In my opinion, I think the two things that would ruin SN the most would be:
  • stop using and earning SATS
  • the owners selling the platform
Nothing can ruin SN.
SN is the Honey Badger of Free Speech Journalism.
I suppose if it got flooded by bots for some reason...