Awesome I’ll take a read, I have used LNtxbot and it’s pretty easy to use!
I’m mainly looking to build something that solves this problem:
Yes, lntxbot do that in very simple way. Almost everybody today uses Telegram today,. so a simple command like /tip 100 "add text if you like" will just send sats to a nocoiner in 1 second. Later that new bitcoiner could even add that lntxbot into Zeus or Bluewallet as lndhub account and use it as a regular LN wallet.
All explained in that guide. Is the fucking simple way to onboard nocoiners.
I just posted an update on week 3 of our progress #87590
Also just loaded 1000 sats for you to test it out yourself
Wanted to give you a quick update on the project so far 🎉🎉 I was able to enroll in the BOLT🔩FUN Legends of Lightning ⚡️ Tournament and was able to assemble a team to work on the project 🙂
You can follow our weekly updates here
Would love to hear any feedback you have.