Open proposal for SN
I think the actual SN system is flawed to the core and will only attract flies to the shit, making it slowly a shithole.
I do not want anymore to see how the sats I am paying to post on SN are going to these assmilkers.
Please consider removing entirely the daily rewards and the leaderboard. It only attract flies.
Not just opt-in feature but for all stackers, by default.
No rewards, no leaderboard.
Only pay to post. MAKE THEM PAY.
The incentive will be exclusively in p2p zaps.
Also make the ranking gained in a territory to be valid ONLY in that territory, for the rest of other territories to be 0.
In this way, assmilkers if they want to zap each others and rank each others, they can have their own assmilking territory.
For more you post in that territory, more ranks you have. But could not use the ranking gained fraudulently on other territories. Also will not gain sats from general SN pool.
If they want to have their own circle jerking territory (assmilking club), so be it, let them assmilk each others until they get drained.
Or better remove all the ranks too.
How SN would be financed?
SN can be financed from the cost of making posts and comments. Also from a cut from territories posts and comments. Boosts and ads, jobs etc.
Raise the cost of those and will be even more sats for SN but less for the assmilkers.
Who really want to give sats to assmilkers, so be it, will give it from their OWN pockets but not from SN pools.
You will see then how they will run like rats.