This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I really enjoy AMAs here... who would be the best next person to do AMA on Stacker News?
I was planning on asking Ryan Gentry next.
Last time I asked though I got these answers:
Great ideas right there :) Having folks from El Salvador sounds great! Even if we would have random users...
We could also suggest:
  • BTC Sessions
  • Preston Pysh
  • Matt Odell
Session and Odell are following me on Twitter I think, so I can slide in their DMs easier.
I'd also like an El Salvador power user.
I just learned of the invite links.
So the sats awarded goes only to new accounts that sign up, ... or does even an existing account that clicks the link get that award?
Only new accounts!
To see the previous day's "Daily discussion thread", click the "yesterday" link.
Shouldn't those also appear under the Posts link for @k00b?
Because pins are special posts they won't show up as posts.
I suspect you want to see a list of them?
Calling it "yesterday" is a bit confusing. It makes me think that this thread is from yesterday (since this is the spot in the UI where you can see how old the post is...)
I could also do "previous" or "prior" ... yesterday just seemed more specific but I can see how it might be ambiguous in another way.
That, or some way to quickly go back to look at something a week or two back.
Not really a big deal, ... once I found the "yesterday" link, that was sufficient.
When I click the lightning button and 1 sat gets deducted from my wallet, where do the sats go? To the poster?
Today I set up a wallet with my wife and taught her the basics, next up will be buying some corn from Bisq or hodlhodl and start saving Bitcoin together. We set up a stacking goal for 2022 too. Is a small thing but I'm very happy about it.
Good job there!
Your wife sounds based!
Help needed! I'm logged into stacker news on my desktop and have a couple of sats in my wallet. I'm trying to log into SN from my phone now, but actually forgot which login method I used. I don't see anything under my profile, is there any way I can check this? I'm trying to make sure I'm logged in as the same user on my phone as my desktop.
It looks like you signed in with email. I don't want to blast your email on here though.
For everyone following along, I have a bug when you sign up with email that allows you to insert spaces at the end.
Okay, bug should be fixed now and any existing emails with leading or trailing spaces have been trimmed.
Message me on and I can look into it for you.
sorted, thank you!
Tons of our posts seem to come in from Twitter - it seems like 50% lately. We are kind of a relay.
For someone not on twitter, I like seeing some of the top stuff that I might have not otherwise seen. I'd love to see a twitter API integration for previews so that I don't have to actually click the URL. It's painful for those not logged in.
I don't think that's a huge issue for now... it's really hard to filter my Twitter feed. It's easier to filter Stacker News
Looking at last 100 posts, it's 22%.
You are your darn precision!