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I love that my referral @21futures got a shoutout for his book review! #790012
I am reminded I need to read @grayruby bitcoin story #417967 before I record podcast with him
I’m desperate for @Undisciplined bitcoin story!!
Just read @grayruby's and then assume mine is similarly dramatic.
The real question is has Darth ever called you a shitcoiner? Or is he unaware of your deep dark past on Minds?
I don’t recall if Darth ever called me a “shitcoiner”. He may have once when I shared a Bitcoin University video that he didn’t approve of.
I never shilled for Minds on here, which probably saved me.
Omg wtf is Minds?
Should I be proud that @DarthCoin has never called me a shitcoiner? Just a statist because I voted?
It is some crypto version of SN for pseudo intellectuals except you get their shitcoin Minds token instead of sats. Never used it but I know the one who lacks discipline used it prior to SN and tried to recruit SN users from there to no avail.
Yes quite impressive you have yet to be called a shitcoiner. I think Darth called me a shitcoiner early on for posting about ETH even though I was trashing it. Haha
You stacked the deck on me a bit.
Minds was made as a free speech alternative to Twitter, before Stacker News existed.
Let’s not forget that I found Stacker News before either of you, so you can ride your high-horses right on out of here.
By one day. Haha
I didn’t say Minds didn’t have any value proposition. Just pointing out they had their own shitcoin.
Maybe SN will create their own shitcoin with taproot assets.
Been bitcoin only forever for me, but most likely to my detriment haha. I’m so late!
I cannot assume. After all he’s Canadian
Yes, I would like that bitcoin story too.
Here it is, then:
I got interested in bitcoin through the Ron Paul Revolution, attempted and failed to mine some, succame to Schiffian FUD. Years later, I found Stacker News and got set straight.
You could have dragged it out a little. Embellished here and there. Get the narrative arc going.
If that were true, I would have entered your contest. My Bitcoin journey was very boring.
How could you be fooled by charlatan Peter Schiff? How did u discover stacker news if u were a hater? How did SN convince u?
@Coinsreporter also said SN was his orange pill moment!
I never had anything against bitcoin, but I didn’t think bitcoin-like things could be scarce.