Yes, the easiest one is with LNURL-w links. Create a bunch of them, print them or simply send by email or chat and receiver can withdraw the sats anytime with almost any LN wallet.
Are many ways to create LNURL-w:
  1. Using LNbits, preferred your own instance, on your node Video tutorial here More details about the LNbits extension
  2. Use LNTXBOT in Telegram to generate LNURL-w vouchers type in the chat with the bot: /withdraw_lnurl_50000 (or any other amount) and will create a QR code and a LNURL address that can be shared, printed or whatever you want to do with it. This is the simplest and fastest way, no node or server necessary. Here is the full guide for LNTXBOT
Same as LNTXBOT you have
  1. Use a web service to generate the LN vouchers:
i've used many times to pay back friends small amounts. for example, buying a beer off a friend at an event. just create an link and drop it in their telegram for future payment retrieval.
Cool list, I have used before.
How was that experience?
Seamless, but only used it once as I met some Chinese friends after Chinese New Year.
Chinese people gift each other money, so I guess it made sense? Makes you think a bit.
Nice UI, fixed Sats work for that purpose, good red packet designs. Aside from that, I go
Great list Darth. Was expecting your response in meme form? Are you feeling ok?
When I see that people are interested in learning how to use BTC/LN I gave them extensive guides.
When I see that they are shitcoining I gave them memes.