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Hi all,
We're looking for Lightning-interested peeps to test RIZFUL, our ☁️ Lightning-Node-in-the-Cloud service!
Right now, we're giving out 11k sats to each person who completes the test steps, so you'll have some funds to play with on your node.
📜 Steps on how to do this are here: rizful.com/get_free_sats
You can also get a general overview of what we're up to on the homepage: rizful.com
Free Sats 👀 Nice name btw! Whata the meaning of RIzful?
It has no meaning. That was intentional as we're sort of building a Swiss-army-knife for Lightning and Nostr. Actually there are a lot of features we are going to add, which might become the most important features.... so we'd rather not "contain" the name of the project to just one usage. (e.g., That's why we didn't call it "DisposableLightningNodes.com" or whatever)
for the new comers
  1. follow the step by step meticulously
  2. take notes and screenshot during the testing
  3. use small amounts for multiple transfers (5 different tasks are mandatory)
  4. best is to have Alby extension in the web browser 5, best is to have a Stacker news account (good thing you're here)
  5. there is a small interview (via dm) before receiving the second (final) payment
  6. discord account is required (and be patient there)
I'm nearly there on lightning experience, read through the cheat sheet.
But I'm not on discord
Love these early days in the trenches to pave the way for the future users 🙌
Yeah. Ideally we would not use Discord at all and use a Nostr chat. On our list of things to do in the near-term is fully explore what is possible in terms of chat with Nostr. A chat application like Telegram or Discord -- is actually really hard to get right.
It's a good move to go away from Discord to Nostr. Another secure chat app to consider that is 10x more private and secure than Signal would be SimpleX chat. It's independent, decentralized and runs on private relays like TOR. Have you heard about it? Just want to give you some options. https://simplex.chat
Did you want me to shill this on nostr, or have you already 🫂
Super-nice of you. Yeah, shill away! We're actually near the beginning of our Nostr journey, still setting up various profiles and etc.
Your service looks amazing and I have shared it with some people who are really excited about what you are building but...
Is there any way that we can verify that you're not a chain analysis honeypot?
So a "chain analysis honeypot" would be like, we were tracking UTXOs some how, right? I am pretty vague on how this would work. Also, how could any individual or service prove that they were NOT doing this?
Just completed the test and RIZFUL look's performs really well. Seamlessly integrated with Alby extension, attached to SN via NWC. Recommended!
Nice initiative! Works great with Alby browser extension and Nostr apps. Beats web3 Ethereum-based commerce and cashus etc. Custodial, yes, but nice to have a small reserve wallet accessible anywhere with an email and password.
Let's go!
my node: jessikabtc cooperative-sardine-15@rizful.com
Interested, but the discord requirement is a hard no for me.
Thanks everyone for helping us test Rizful. We're getting great feedback and this opportunity is still open! Please join us!
Does this project is related to Alby Hub?
more like a competitor project
We're huge and early supporters of Alby Hub actually.
I asked because on your guide (https://rizful.com/get_free_sats), on the discord picture appears JP from Alby.
Thanks everyone for testing Rizful for us, this is going great so far. If you want to join, please start with the steps here: https://rizful.com/get_free_sats
Got in, and paid the 500 sats (lightning invoice)
Hi, to do this testing project, please follow the directions here: https://rizful.com/get_free_sats
all irght, I am on discord now discussing there Thanks, looks like a fun project Feels very much like the Alby Hub setup I've done earlier this month
@rizful_com I'm stack in step 16. DM you on Discord
Can't join the discord... hm.
Hm, I just tried the link from new browser and it worked fine. Did you go to the top of rizfu.com and click the Discord button?
I'm in!
seems legit
Did anyone get free cheese?
Join the discord, we're discussing there. This is not a "make money online", thing, we're really looking for people who will give us useful feedback on Rizful.
Thanks, we replied on Discord.
Hey please check discord
thanks, we replied on discord... we're mostly active during Americas daytime hours...
Quite frankly this looks incredible, I will definitely help you test this.
Thanks so much. We'd love any feedback you have. Our plan is to go head-first into Nostr with it and likely build Nostr apps around it.
If you got an error from Discord when clicking the Discord link at the top of rizful.com -- that should now be fixed on Discord's end. Please refresh rizful.com and try again -- thanks!
Can't we do it on a mobile device?
Yes, you can. We want to make sure that 10,000 people in Bangladesh (no offense to Bangladesh...) aren't trying to do it all at once on their phones to "make money online", so in the directions we've asked that you use a computer, but yes, we do need testers on mobile devices. If you're lightning-savvy and interested, please go ahead....
Thanks. I'll give it a try to learn something.
Sorry, you might have found that the Discord link was broken. Can you try again now? Thanks.
No, it's not broken. It's actually working.
Basic bullet points about Rizful: 🏠 Your home base for⚡zaps. 🚀 High-performance. 🕙 Online 24/7. 🚮 Disposable. ⛓️‍💥 No big tech. 💡 Built for education. ✨ Ready to use. 🔌 Nostr Wallet Connect 📱💻 Use any device.
Full disclosure... we previously posted this here: #793777
We decided the reward previously was to too big because were getting hordes of "make money online" people. 🤷 ... so we've settled on 11,000 sats now...
Let’s get some free sats
Great! We're looking for people who have some basic interest and knowledge about Lightning...