Right? Bitcoin is great for both. It is the only good way to save our energy for the future. And I it is the best way to send that value to others, with no middleman, in order to exchange value. Wow. How lucky are we to be here so early?!!
I made a post on the reasons that I am not stacking and prefer to spend my Bitcoin immediately.#806278
And I made a post shortly after on why I am stacking sats.#806724
Both were formatted the same and posted one after the other.
Can you guess which one got the engagement.. by far?
The first one was quite popular (not stacking) with a mixture of responses, some that understood the point I was trying to make. Others, telling me I was wrong and stupid. Fair enough.
The second post was unnoticed by comparison. Crickets
So for me, the real question here is, why do we enjoy disagreeing more than we enjoy agreeing with people? Why is it so tempting to click on something that we know we think is wrong? Do people really enjoy arguing more than they enjoy connecting?
I would love to hear your views on this. Thank you for your comments