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Are you thinking of buying goods for everyday life that you can use your whole life? Some of them are expensive on a one-year basis, but after you have had them for 30 years, they look a lot less expensive. If you want good cookware, look into Amway’s Queen Cook Ware. With minor repairs, it will last forever.
I, too have some Amway Queen cookware that looks like new after 30 years
The only things we have had to replace are the round top washers under the knobs, and the handles on the two small pots. One of them is perfect for making one package of ramen and the other for about two, with extra juice. The stainless still shines like new. My wife will not let me near them unless I am holding a wood or plastic tool. We have had them about as long as you.
This list is a collection of extraordinary products I've found that have lifetime warranties. Agree that buying one great product is often less expensive than replacing a cheap one many times.
I have to agree wholeheartedly, but to find this kind of good is difficult now-a-days.
yeah you're right, that's exactly the reason I set up the site.
there are lots of people building extraordinary stuff these days, but they're very hard to find. they often can't compete on cost with cheaper producers, so you'll never find this stuff on the front page of Amazon or in the big box display at your local Wal Mart.
https://www.timbuk2.com/collections/laptop-backpacks/products/1859-division-laptop-backpack-deluxe I can't say it lasts for life, but I have used it often for approx 8+ years and it shows no sign of wear. To be fair, I am rarely outside with it. (it is my airport backpack and I fly a lot)
yeah both are great
Hunting license in your state, the sooner, the better; it saves big over the long haul, get them for kids early. If you are into that kinda things that is (I mean fresh organic meat, who isn't :-))
If you've got any other extraordinary recos, let me know!
Buy once, cry once… I feel the push towards cheap products has many undervalued how much quality goods should cost.
This is a good list. I own a few of these items already
A Moka... and a swiss knife
good picks
Wow. A $185 cast iron skillet.
Nothing in the physical realm can last for ever.