What is a simple and good way to sell an eBook for #sats, preferably directly on my own website in an automatic way?
You can check out this video by BTC Sessions. It shows how you can setup a Lightning Paywall to monetize your content.
If you're running a WordPress site, have a look at this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bitcoin-lightning-publisher/
@Alby might answer any questions you might have.
Thanks a lot. This looks like what I was looking for...
Yes, like HODL said, there are many wordpress plugins to accept BTC for an item on your web.
You can also sell them directly through Telegram using LNTXBOT, with the /hide command. Here is an example guide.
If you do not run your own BTC/LN node, you will need to use an intermediary to handle the payments, but I would not recommend that. Here some plugins:
and many more...