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7.30am. Freezing cold. Lying in bed. Daughter is sound asleep. Feeling contemplative. Many things I have learnt this year:
  1. Markdown (special thanks to @0xbitcoiner for being prompt with his guidance)
  2. That Obsidian exists
  3. Use strong nouns whenever you can. Adjectives and adverbs make for weak writing (courtesy of @elvismercury)
  4. As an English teacher, I train my students to consider the Purpose, Audience and Context for every piece of writing that they do. Having said that, I’m always humbled at how some posts I write mainly for myself gain much traction here but other posts that I think would resonate with Stackers maintain radio silence. It taught me that 1. I can’t never predict the response of such a varied audience as SN accurately, 2. All I can do is write my best and leave the rest to the Universe
  5. Introduction to Marcus Aurelius and the Stoic philosophy. I am INFINITE.
  6. Acceptance of my preferred writing momentum. I wish I were one of those writers who can work doggedly on a substantial post and have it garner at least > 10k sats, but I have come to terms with the fact that 1. my hyperactive mind prevents me from labouring over a piece of writing for days/weeks, 2. I don’t need to gain a lot of zaps in order to consider myself a writer!
  7. Be less of a cheapskate. Initially, I would always mull over whether I should post in territories with high posting fees, yearning to “break even” at least, but these days, I just post like a BOSS because 1. I value my content creation process enough, 2. I kinda feel obliged to support founders like @frostdragon who have committed themselves to sustaining their territory for a year or more, 3. even if a post gets only a few sats, I might receive a comment that makes me learn something new. I should value learning over sats.
I can probably ramble on, but I will keep it to these main 7 points.
What have you learnt from being here this year?
A ton!
I had occasionally wanted to start a podcast many times over the past decade and SN finally pushed me over the edge.
I also wrote a lot more original content and got the hang of writing for this community.
I learned how lots of gambling stuff works.
I learned how to run a lightning node and run a bitcoin miner.
There's probably a lot more. That next year might bring a similar amount of growth is hard to fathom, but why not?
What is the title of your and @grayruby’s podcast ah? I knew you mentioned it before, but I didn’t make a note of it. Sorry.
Ah! No wonder you are/were into freebitcoin’s prediction games haha
Stacker Sports Podcast
See you there
They had a great guest appearance on their most recent epidode
Easily the best guest we've had. No comparison.
Well you could compare him to Satoshi Nakamoto
We haven't been able to get in touch with him, yet. Maybe the pod needs to gain a little more traction before he comes on.
45 sats \ 5 replies \ @grayruby 18h
I was going to make a smart ass remark about getting roped into doing a podcast to fulfill some weird goal of yours but it's actually really cool that I got to play a small part in you achieving a goal of yours.
This love/hate bromance is fun to watch haha
It was more like pulling me out of a minor mid-life crisis/tailspin, so I appreciate that you were game.
27 sats \ 2 replies \ @grayruby 18h
Mid-life crisis? I thought Bitcoiners live until at least 2140? That's why I signed up.
Figuratively. Of course I intend and expect to live well past the final block reward.
Nope 2140 is the end
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Skipper 18h
What's up with all the podcasts lately?
Couldn't tell you. I've never been invited to the meetings where we all collude and conspire and scheme.
273 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 18h
That even after 8 years in bitcoin, I still have a lot to learn and that great, productive, supportive online communities can still exist.
We have a lot to be grateful for
230 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 19h
Hard for me to pin point anything in particular, I like to think I'm always learning.
Might not be related but with SN forcing us to set up our own LN wallets I have found NWC to be a game changer. I still have some issues with it, but being able to zap small amounts from my node gives me a lot of confidence that LN will grow and succeed.
This was really valuable to me too.
38 sats \ 1 reply \ @ama 19h
2 That Obsidian exists
Logseq also exists. :-)
lol I haven’t entirely mastered Obsidian. I still haven’t figured out how it is supposed to be my second brain haha
It's only been a little more over a month since I joined SN and have learned a hell lot.
Understanding diverse POVs, before that I was in a echo chamber of fixed POVs
Learned how to cope from trollings and ignore it
Be grearfull to people who support you even when you're just in online virtu world and no one even knows you
Learing a lot about Japanese culture as you share something interesting everyday
Everyday something new about Bitcoins
Understanding sports as I try to make Bets.
Discovering awesome music and learning.
Improving political knowledge
There's much more and I can't imagine how much I would be able to learn in a year! Thanks for posting.
What aspects of Japanese culture are/were you fascinated by?
I would say, what not? The food, habits, people, place, everything! I never thought Japan is one of the most fascinating countries.
You were ahead of the curve on sense of humor, right off the bat.
LOL still crying assm9ilker?
Why don't you say that you discovered a cow to milk?
@grayruby is STUPID STUPID MAN
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @grayruby 13h
What did I do this time?
We’re just taking about what we learned from Stacker News this year
I learned from @IamSINGLE I’m a shameless uptail woof woof 🐕
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 13h
I need you to explain this uptail woof woof thing to me.
I earned it 11/10
Shameless uptail woof woof 🐕: #761652
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @LowK3y19 19h
I learned this is a great place for bitcoiners to come grab news or learn anything bitcoin
And grab some sats, right?
Too much to list it all but highlights- Learned the fun and utility of using Bitcoin as a MoE via LN. Once being on SN motivated me to set up with a LN wallet was then motivated and able to use it more widely. Many great ideas, info, news, debates and dialogues and learnings from SN.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @Skipper 19h
Nothing. I already know everything.
You deserve some sats for being omnipotent
People are more gullible than I thought. Much more.
Some people are gullible.
What have I learned? A lot since I entered the Bitcoin rabbit hole, this world is incredible, it has turned my life 3.60 degrees from believing in the fiduciary system to the freedom that Bitcoin provides.
Reading multiple references to utxo and utxo on nostr having it as their handle
I decided to Google it and was surprised to learn that a simple tx to myself can unify the stack
Didn't realise all the mismatched amounts can cost you in the future due to inefficient sat keeping