I have been a tech nerd for most of my life. Especially when it comes to cell phones. In the touchscreen era, I have primarily used android phones, because I find them to be more functional and I like options. I have tried a few Apple products over the years. I using an M1 Mac right now. Its amazing. I bought it cheap and it does what I need to and it's easy. It keeps up with me. For me, tech is a tool.
I am old enough to have used phones that connected with each other through wires that ran inside of walls and across power poles. And I was using computers before we connected to AOL on the same wires at 33.6kbs, to check the chat rooms.
So from flip phones until now, I have been trying out, a LOT of phones. I was the type that wanted the brand new one every year. And... I wanted to try the new shiny one from like 3 or 4 different companies. For real, I would buy, sell, and trade phones, all year long... for years. And it was a right-off for my business, so, why not... Like I said, I have had a LOT of phones...
Now I run a de-googled, Sony Xperia XQ-AS72. Its a few years old, a 512 GB SD, 256GB Internal storage, headphone jack, great battery, high refresh bright screen, great sound, good-enough camera, super quick charging. It does everything I want to, quickly... I bought it used for like $400. I see no reason why I would change phones again any time soon. When this one feels slow, to a point that annoys me often, or the battery is bad, maybe I will, but honestly, I don't want to. I like mine. I want to keep it a long time.
Why did I go from constantly NEEDing the new shiny thing to just sticking with old reliable?
Since I started stacking, there is no need for new things, for the sake of being new. I want tech that enables effective, budget minded solutions to improve my life now. Why would I want the new shiny thing that does exactly what my old less shiny thing does well?
What about AI "features"
To me, AI is mostly hype to get us to want new things that we really don't need. I prefer what google used to do, over what it does now. I prefer raw human creativity over recycled over-computed content, personally. I don't care about self driving cars. I like driving. So, for me, AI is a shitcoin. Just my 2 sats. I am sure it is very useful for a lot of people in their work. I am just speaking for myself as it relates to how I prefer to use tech.
Here is a MKBHD video where he talks about his favorite phones for the year. I just couldn't imagine wanting any of them.
I don't think he ever mentioned AI. Interesting.
What phone are you using? Has Bitcoin changed the way you purchase phones, or tech in general? Is AI useful for you?
I put this in alter_native, because my stacker stack is still a tiny stack. I wan't to build my stacker stack without un-stacking from my other stackier stacks. My stacks are what I value. Once I manage to stack enough of a stack to upgrade my stacker stack to a stackier stacker stack, I will put this sort of post where it belongs. in ~tech