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Let's hear some of your latest Bitcoin purchases, feel free to include links to the shops or merchants you bought from too.
If you missed our last thread, here are some of the items stackers recently spent their sats on.
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I bought some graphic designs for our company. Guy who we paid had never used Bitcoin before afaik, but he was game to get paid that way. Times are changing :)
Well done! Can you share some info about your company or which product or services you provide?
That's great, congrats! Consider posting the book for sale it in the ~AGORA ;)
Yes I still need to do this!
A braiins home miner. It looks super cool https://braiins.com/hardware/mini-miner-bmm-100
It's a nice and well-designed product! How and why do you choose it instead of others?
This holiday I haven't shopped, but I'm waiting for my neighbor to invite me to dinner tonight, he will treat me tonight, he will pay using sats, because he often invites me to eat at small stalls. happy holidays.
That's a nice neighbor! Have you ever invited him/her back?
Actually took some stackers advice -- and paid for the No More Inflation documentary in sats (#811381).
Didn't exactly like it, etc., but at least i got a nice discount for using sats
Ouch, It's in my watching list, why exactly you did not like it?
It's in the post linked above... Second half was great, fist half was just low-level econ illiteracy and nominal/real mistakes