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India is ruled by Fabians, so why worry about lefty/Marxist/socialist/communist/murderers.
I have never been in political circles in India, so I concede you this one if you did or know better. Still, I don't judge Americans based on Biden, just what as a society everyone does. I see there is more freedom than in Japan in many respect, nobody or very few people wear masks, traditional medicine is very present, you can get non chemical food, boxing in India is quite good, very good service, etc. The list of positive things about India is quite long. Inversely, last time I went back to Japan, everyone were wearing masks, food became worse, service was frankly bad in some places. They don't even give you plastic bags when you obviously need one now in Japan, you have to ask (who is not afraid of global warming). By the way I have never lived in North India, only the South, so I can't judge the North. So if your judgement is based on the North I concede you could be right as well.
The most south that I got was Mysore. I spent time in Rajastan and across northern India. I spent some time in Panaji in Goa on the beaches. I went everywhere by slow trains and local busses. I wanted to go to Tamil Nadu but the heat was getting too oppressive for me.
I see, nice trip. I have been living in Kerala and Karnataka only. When I go to a foreign country I try to be far from the government and tourists, so in Thailand I avoid Bangkok for example. Maybe next time you go to India, try to be far from Delhi and be with locals. I am used to landscapes in Japan so for me Kerala had breathtaking landscapes, with tea plantations also. Until now people I heard who reported negative things about India were people who went to the North. It is not related but you are the first to who I send real sats with an NWC connection on Stacker News from my Lightning wallet, can you tell me if you received 21 sats and if you had a comment? I used Rizful.
I am a nooby all round. I only have a paper wallet. I don’t know how to check to see if I got a zap from somebody other than on SN, itself. I will be making a wallet and connecting it to SN as soon as I can figure it out. Sorry about that! I am just a nooby idiot.
No problem! Actually I figured out there was a bug in the wallet I used, and according to the thread related to the new zapping system it should be converted to Cowboy credits if you don't have anything setup. So everything is good on your side!
Think I might at least give it a try.
India has more freedom than Japan?
What's next, India is safer than Japan?
edit: a woman is more likely to be raped in India than Japan and it's not even close
Going by mask wearing is a losing game. Mask wearing is a cultural thing that has been going on in Japan for a long time. They wear them when they think they may be sick or under the weather, not for protection from disease. It is a sign of courtesy for other people to wear the mask. While I was there, I hated them and never wore them.
Voluntary mask wearing vs Compulsory
Pyramid of evil: concentration camps atomic bomb wearing masks
Why use a pyramid? All of this evil is just one big blob of darkness and evil. I mean how can you make the levels of the pyramid when there is so much lying about it going on?
obviously I'm being sarcastic
Regarding safety I don't know. I didn't live in (South) India enough time, although never had a problem there. Regarding freedom, I meant in everyday life. Maybe you would prefer "lack of rules". An example which comes to mind, try to launch fireworks in the sky in a city in Japan you run into troubles. Call that freedom or lack of rules. When individuals have more room to behave I am tempted to call that freedom. Another fun example: try to ride a bicycle in Japan with 2 people, you will have the police calling you. Not in India.
Yes, the rules are enforced differently in Japan and India. In India you have lathi carrying police that demand their cut from you. In Japan the rules are enforced by everybody and policemen do not require bakshish from you. Yeah, they are different, but which would you rather have?
I totally agree that bribe is an issue and although I didn't experience it I think I just didn't stay long enough for that in India. Did you experience it in the North? If yes, can you describe what kind?
I had to pay bribes when I got the one express train I took while there. The bribe and the ticket price were the same. Got a nice “Tika” and head swril out of it though. I really didn’t mind that one, because I got the ticket for that day for onward travel.
Bribery has been rampant in India since 1948
United Nations or IMF has an annual report ranking the most corrupt countries
Fireworks and 2 person bicycles?
Are you 12 years old? Grow up
My point is living in Japan you feel the presence of the State more than in India. It is a feeling, hence admittedly likely biased. Anyway, other examples for adults: rules for the medical checkup at work, and rule for any device emitting radio waves (e.g.: if you come live in Japan with a device not regulated by the Japanese government you are illegal and could be sanctioned, even if it uses the ISM bands). Please note, I am not anti-government, I am against too much government.
Rules are different wherever you go! You didn’t notice that? If you went to Pakistan and tried to buy beer or whiskey, you would have a very difficult time. Smuggling silver and gold out of India into Nepal was a no-no, too. Rules change by countries because cultures are different.
I see... when did you leave Japan for India?
Japan has a declining population. India have over 1 trillion.
Japan is or will be less crowded.
Are you fluent in Japanese? What Indian language do you use?