Politician! Pro Bitcoin and Orange Peeled. I love Satoshi Journal... Pan African... New Media Expert, Content Creator, Stacker...
It is the notion that bitcoin will inevitably become the global reserve asset, while converting people to believe in the bitcoin standard.
What does orange peeled mean?!
like "new media expert".... everybody is an "expert" in something today :)
I've been in the field long way before it was even known as new media.
I started my practice in 2010 and I'm skilled in
  1. Photography
  2. Videography
  3. Search engine optimisation
  4. Web design/development
  5. Graphics design
  6. Social media marketing
  7. Content writing/ copy writing
  8. UI/UX
  9. Video editing etc
I ventured into politics 3 years ago, because I believe in active participation for a greater chance.
Welcome aboard!
I love Satoshi Journal
or is just another ghost account used to upvote satoshi journal posts? I was noticing some SN accounts that always are boosting each others.
I don't really care, votes here are with sats, so how they use their sats is not my business. But I don't like using brigade groups just to get more attention for something that usually will not.
I feel discriminated on with the use of the word brigade. My name is James Otudor and you can find me on twitter @dgr8otudor, on Facebook @dgr8otudor, on Instagram on Iamotudor.
I'm currently running for the House of Assembly representing Odukpani State Constituency in Cross River State, Nigeria. This is not a ghost account.