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Europe is already the world's retirement home. And the demographic situation will continue to worsen, that much is clear. The massive invasion of poverty into the social systems of the old, established European economies in recent years will by no means solve this problem. The poverty invasion into Europe is accelerating the economic and social decline in a dramatic way these days.
For the most part, the European response is a familiar one: higher taxes on the working class, more regulation and state control. In addition, the growing state interventionism in free market processes, which the majority of people are firmly convinced will bring about an economic turnaround and prosperity will worsen the downfall. We are heading for troubled economic times. 2025 will be another scary and tough year for Europeans, as all Marco economic signs point to a storm.
You think Europe has an old population? You should examine some of the developed asian populations.
Now that the numbers are backwards, they are struggling.
Japan is the only non-European country that meets these criteria. I imagine South Korea will be there soon.
Im pretty sure most of the developed asian countries are facing this problem. The older generation dwarfs the new and younger population. I know Japan for sure has this problem. Taiwan and China, too.
It does, but 20% of the population over 65 is pretty extreme. China and Taiwan aren't there yet.
And soon it will happen in the USA. The baby boomer population is getting older. They hold a lot of the wealth right now.
I don't think the US will get there:
  1. Our old people are substantially less healthy, so they have higher mortality
  2. We have far more young immigrants
  3. We have a much higher birth rate
As far as I understand, Europe is only left with older people because young people and investors are fleeing taxes and state control, as you have pointed out, and since there is no young capital or working capital and foreign investment and national investment have left, this indicates that there is a cataclysm, an economic catastrophe.
the only solutions they have involve dreaming up new taxes and nanny-state-like measures