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40 sats \ 50 replies \ @realBitcoinDog 9 Jan \ parent \ on: Is @realbitcoindog a mega Assmilker? Stacker_Sports
So yea I’m fine with a four way split between me, @grayruby, @IamSINGLE and @Undisciplined just need to know sats breakdown.
@grayruby for 25k if course
12500 each
I don't really care what the split is but let's not over complicate this.
My suggestion was we commit to a four month trial (I don't think one month is long enough). If there are 4 of us and we split it evenly it caps our max investment at 50k sats which would be the same as testing a territory for a month individually.
I am happy for RBD to be the managing partner in this.
I'm fine with an equal split, too, but I wanted to call you a commie. If RBD and @IamSINGLE want to be the controlling shareholders, that's also cool with me.
Absolutely. Let them do all the work. (Not so) silent partner is a great role.
Cool ok yea each pay for one month.
I’ve only got 20k sats in the bank right now tho so I’ve gotta earn another 30k sats before I can pay for a month 😅
Luckily about to record another podcast episode so that’ll help!
~HealthAndFitness works for me