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You don't know the power of the cowboy credits....
insert Darth voice
Hey, I'm all about the dark side...if you can explain the benefit to me. In the meantime, I'm zapping them away faster than the emperor in that scene with the worst acting ever. haha
So you are not reading my posts...

zap sats are mostly for those that came to SN with the "post to earn" in their mind.
I came to SN with "pay to post" in my mind...
We are not the same.

I actually do as much as I can. Your posts are either educational or witty/hilarious, and sometimes both, although I believe you and I have radically different world views. I love stacker news but also work full time, have a wife and three kids, am pretty involved with my church, try to stay as involved as possible in my real world community, am now getting into 3d printing in addition to mining and coding (poorly), and so forth. Haha (I know you do as much as that and more too, I’m just maybe not as high capacity)
Also, the people that get legit mad about cowboy credits has made me lose interest in caring all that much. Even if they’re useful, it (CCs vs sats on the site, not the site itself) just doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me either way.
All this to say, I do, just not so much on this topic.