Day 1 yesterday for ~HealthAndFitness had a pathetic 472 sats in daily revenue.

Day 2 we 10x'd! HOW BOUT DEM GAINS!?

Doing a simple linear projection model... If co-founders me, @grayruby, @Undisciplined, and @IamSINGLE all made 5000 sats in territory revenue on day one, I think we can conservatively assume we're going to earn 5000 sats every day from here on out. So that'll put us just shy of 150k sats in our first month... a 300% return on our investment!
So not to brag or anything, but we're projected to be the second most profitable territory in all of Stacker News in only our first month! Sorry to disappoint you @0xbitcoiner haters #843958
But the bigger story is we got 11 new unique posters to ~HealthAndFitness today! So if that keeps up, and it will because ~HealthAndFitness people are ATHLETES with healthy daily posting habits, then we're on track to have 320 stackers, or a third of all of Stacker News, paying 99 sats to post in our territory daily!
But if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. One of us. C'mon. We're better than you, and we know it.