I've always enjoyed Trung's writing since I first encountered it in The Hustle. He's funny and respects attention scarcity. More recently he made me aware of this Rick Rubin clip which is polarizing in the best way; Rubin claims he has no skill other than being exceptional at being himself.
Trung finds similarities between Rubin's understanding of taste from his book on creativity and Jobs' from the Steve Jobs Archive. Both describe taste as fundamental to their success yet "straightforward" and accessible to anyone.
The first thing that came to mind was that the modern world feels utterly tasteless at a time when we have more tools and time than ever to express ourselves. So if developing taste is something we can all do, then why haven't we? I only have half thoughts right now, but I suspect taste is an act of rebellion and hyper-connectivity makes conforming easier and stronger without giving similar powers to rebels.