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I've definitely had to change how I post on SN. I don't see a lot of posts that are made with the sole intent of being humorous do very well. There's definitely room for humor, but I try to make sure anything I post has a bit more content to it.
So for that is give SN a 5. You don't get punished for not fitting in but you definitely don't get rewarded.
As far as shitcoins go, people get eviscerated here for that.
I would really wanna see you write in your authentically funny style. Pls do so one day!
I think humour is hard to convey across the screen. I’ll like to think that I’m funny irl (or sarcastic, as my students will say), but I think I come across as a serious dude on SN haha
Ill give it a shot sometime 😁
I've never seen you make an attempt at humor, only well-reasoned answers to my math puzzles... kudos~~
Hah! So true.