Trump is vocal that the Europeans GOTTA BUY MORE AMERICAN GAS.
The Europeans are vocal that evil dictator-supplier of gas is Bad Man™ and shouldn't supply the continent with gas (+ climate change eschatologists think it's morally reprehensible to take it/use it.)
And then were have this observation in the FT:
EU gas prices are roughly more than three times higher than in the US and have stubbornly remained more than double what they were before Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
I spot a trade: What gives?
I was under the impression that the problem was physically taking delivery of the LNG within Europe—i.e., the terminals that can anchor big American ships are few and are already maxed out in capacity.
(Hopefully some engineering/in-the-know Stacker can correct me here).
Interesting too that the EU, all the political posturing aside, has increased its import of Russian LNG. I guess freezing = bad, so high-flying geopolitical nonsense go out the window. Apparently not, says the FT piece:
The underlying issue is the bloc’s inability to wean itself off cheaper Russian fossil fuels. Last year, EU companies imported record amounts of LNG from the country.
As with all such top-down, hand-wavy shit bureaucrats/politicians/thinktankers/journalists can come up with, reality is harder than empty words. There's no "weaning oneself off" involved; there's trade, and the physical nature of energy. End of.
Reading the news is fun, and bad for your health. ugh.