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There's no such thing as "no KYC bitcoin". If would exist such thing it means that Bitcoin is dead.
No KYC bitcoin is a useful phrase. It's a short-hand for not giving a centralized "honepot" exchange your firstborn, hair clipping, picture of you hold passport, audio of you speaking, 360 degree picture of your face/head, blood/DNA sample, Tax ID number, License, Proof of income, all just so you can buy "cheap" bitcoins from them, which you, because you're ignorant, leave on the exchange and don't take ownership of. So then they get hacked or rug you and you realize you don't have the sats you thought you had.
old experienced bitcoiners knows what you mean. But noobs don't. And is very important the language used with them. Saying that you must "buy no KYC Bitcoin" in their mind is automatically making a separation of 2 types of Bitcoin, when THERE ISN'T. If would exist that separation, we will have two different chains, two different coins, transacting on two different ways.
Here's the thing I don't understand. Sure an exchange knows individual xyz bought Bitcoin... But after that how can they 'track' where the Bitcoin goes? Other than through a serious, high-priority LE investigation over years (and even then) it would be very difficult to track ie through Coinjoins/Lightning/Mixes/P2P transactions/Real World buys/sells etc...
As long as THAT Bitcoin never touches a Kyc-Exchange again then... what is the point?
KYC is bad, really bad. But not because you could link a UTXO with your real identity, but because bad actors could steal all that KYC information and use it against you.... even physical attacks. Check this out... all KYC data leaked: https://paste.fo/raw/ad9159623b1c
Yes, indeed, if you are not going back to sell the BTC you bought in a CEX, back for fiat, there's nothing to fear for your sats. Only the bad guys that stole your location data could come to your door and do this...
But that is totally different than saying "KYC bitcoin". Is really misleading noobs (because there's also a business pushing clueless newbies into paying expensive coinjoins, whirlpools etc. creating a false impression that without using these techniques you are fucked). It is not. The whole point is to NEVER go back to fiat and mind your business.
IMHO as an old bitcoiner that was using a lot of tools during many years, coinjoins are obsolete now, a past used tool, in the pre-LN era. With LN I can obtain 10x more privacy than onchain. I personally stopped using coinjoins in 2019 when I start running my first LN node.
Thanks for your comment. I think some of the 'fud' around Lightning (even from some people who mean well) is due to its complexity.
I am still learning new things about Lightning every day, and "privacy" on the internet in general is the product of many digital tools and techniques, "opsec" for lack of a better word involving data and accessing it.
VPNs and TOR are only some examples of this... but using Bitcoin really privately will have a huge learning curve too.
Some people are just... kinda lazy and don't want to do the work required to learn, they don't want to go down the educational path I guess they want things handed to them.
Tor is only for watching porn... IMHO. not compatible with Bitcoin and especially with LN. VPNs yes are good.
That's the point, they don't /can't "track". But they have you on the hook for what you bought. And if you "don't have it" anymore, then pony up the dough for the capital gains.
The point is, other than being on a list and having a knock on your door when your address gets leaked to the dark web as being a bitcoin holder, you are now on a list that the IRS can request from that exchange. Did you declare during your normie taxes you had bitcoin? No, now you're a fraud... Yikes. Better to partition and not let them touch.
You declare your income to IRS because you are scared. I don't give a shit about any tax agency because I rebut their authority in just 5 min. Their laws do not apply over my btc. We are not the same.
I declare my income because it's already automatically paid by my employer in China and while I pay the accountant $200 a year, the IRS gives me $3333 a year (because I have kids). Things are nuanced. We are not the same.