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On your main phone, how many BTC wallets do you have?
Only 1 ONCHAIN wallet0.0%
Only 1 LIGHTNING wallet0.0%
1 ONCHAIN wallet AND 1 Lightning5.3%
1 ONCHAIN wallet and a couple of LN10.5%
2 or more onchain & 2 or more LN42.1%
1 Watch only wallet and 2 or more LN42.1%
19 votes \ poll ended
Only one lightning wallet. :(
Nice try FBI.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @fm 30 Jan
you are missing this option: I have a phone in my BTC wallets
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 30 Jan
good one
It's my mom phone
Should have been an option for too many. 11 lightning wallets (some of these are imbedded as part of apps like fountain). 6 can handle onchain.
40 sats \ 3 replies \ @Mumbo 30 Jan
Want to list them out?
Zeus, Phoenix, Blixt, Breez, Blink, Green, Aqua, WoS, Blue, fountain, zbd
I also have alby and coinos but only use on desktop.
Most of them I rarely use.
148 sats \ 1 reply \ @Mumbo 30 Jan
Thanks! Does Aqua do lightning. When it shows Bitcoin Layer 2, it seems to refer to Liquid Bitcoin instead of lightning. I haven't tried ZBD in a long time.
It does lighting/liquid swaps through boltz as far as I remember. I don't use the wallet much.
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 30 Jan
my numbers are more like that..
onchain on mobile phone is useless
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ama 30 Jan
I have four phones with wallets, both on chain and lightning, two of which go always with me. The other two stay at home. I don't know how many wallets I'm using/trying/reviewing, and I'm too lazy to count them. Most of them I run on testnet, some both on testnet and mainnet.
Don't overshare anons