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I know people try this stuff, and I wish them the very best, but I think it fundamentally misunderstands what the state is.
If the state decides to come after your resources or make an example out of you, they aren't going to care about legal technicalities. Juries will not be sympathetic to tax evaders, either.
I'm sure @siggy47 will have a more thoughtful answer and I defer to his understanding.
Personally, I think that not paying taxes required by the agency with the monopoly on force is foolhardy. Yes, you may be correct in all legal aspects, but has that ever stopped a criminal? Yes, they are criminals, they are robbers, thieves, highwaymen or whatever you wish to call them but they all have larceny in their hearts. Think about it, did gun controls ever stop a criminal from ignoring the laws. Isn’t that the definition of a criminal ”one who ignores the law”? People just have to understand this if they wish to live a life not behind bars.
I am quite on the same page than you. Furthermore criminals create rules for others, not for them, so they intentionally create exceptions to avoid following it.
To come back to Peymon Mottahedeh, on his website though he listed a good amount of cases won: https://www.freedomlawschool.org/step-4#Student-VC
I know there have been successful cases, and I'm very happy for those individuals.
My problem is that there are also people who get in the regime's crosshairs and, as Chuck Schumer said, they have six ways to Sunday to get you. Even just dealing with these court cases carries an immense cost in terms of time, money, and stress.
If you want to avoid taxes, go ex-patriate. Once you leave the country, not to return, you will be surprised at the freedom you get. The only problem is passports.
You don't even have to go full expat. Just moving to one of the territories (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Greenland, etc) gets you out of federal tax obligations.
My impression was that the obligations were stronger in the territories of the U.S, government than in the states, themselves. The territories are actual property of the DC government.
Besides passports, I would add international driver licenses as well. In Japan for example an international driver license is only valid one year. Unless you are in an easy going country like Cambodia, it becomes quickly an issue.
I had an international license when I was in Japan and got myself a Japanese license. It took taking the paper test and turning in my international license. I have to say that I drove without a license for quite a while without harm or problems before I returned to the US and got an international license. I can proudly say that in some of the countries I was in, I wouldn’t have driven on a dare, for fear of life and limb.
I see. Breedlove tried to ask the question about the cost but IMHO he didn't get really a convincing answer in terms of time and stress, just in terms of money saved. If you care more about time and stress than money, then I understand.
I would tend not to spend the money on the parasites of the BAR. They are state lackeys. FTS
I think it fundamentally misunderstands what the state is.
I agree. People are selling a lot of confusion these days. I believe they do it deliberately to sell their words and benifit by it. They are people who know what to exactly sell to a mob.
Nope. You nailed it exactly. I know @Lux disagrees with us. I don't claim to be an expert. I just think that, in the end, the state has the threat of violence to put you away even if your legal arguments are sound.
91 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 2 Feb
Ifyou think you can or if you think you can't, you're right ;)
Yes, I think you can be correct here. How many people don’t know this secret?
Not only do they have that threat, they apply it with an unseemly gusto whenever they can. Just take Trump as an example, they went after him for a lot of bogus reasons, didn’t they?
87 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 7 Feb
Fair enough. I have heard in the State of Texas you don't have an income tax. if you live in another State which is not Washington, does it make you wonder why or would it make you reconsider what was discussed by Peymon Mottahedeh in the podcast?
Texas and several other states have no state income taxes, but the feds still expect their pound of flesh.
I'm not sure exactly what would convince me to reconsider, since my view as that they will just come after you on some other pretext, even if you beat them on the tax arguments.
I will say that if I were single, I'd be much more willing to attempt some of these things.