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It's sad how many people can be manipulated into hating, and cheering for violence against, an enormous group of people, just by calling them "illegals," because they didn't have the written permission of political psychopaths to set foot anywhere on half a continent.
Sad that many so called "libertarians" fall for this Trump's trap.... they are just a bunch of fake "freedom fighters" and some of them even ferocious statists disguised into libertarians. Same as shitcoiners, pretending to be bitcoiners.
Good job being an obedient indoctrinated slave!
127 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 3 Feb
Great video. Love Larkin's analogies. Being angry at the person accepting free money that was stolen from you instead of the thief. Most people will get angry when you say that taxation is theft. Our minds have been so twisted.
It's really deranged how much vitriol people have towards those who are just looking to peacefully improve their economic situation and it's even worse when targeted at those seeking to escape extreme levels of tyranny.
Jonathan Haidt describes this well in The Righteous Mind. Illegal immigrants trigger the purity sensibility of conservatives, which evokes a visceral reaction against it.
Its truly absurd but Haidt nails it. Its especially troubling for me as a Christian when I hear my brothers and sisters fall into this mind trap. They will on the one hand send money to preach the gospel in foreign lands but then completely forget that many of these people groups and tribes are in the US now and they are cheering there expulsion.
This subject is much like the drug war. It misses the point. The problem isn't the illegal. Its the state and how it manages resources and people. It shouldn't do it at all.
Whatever crimes the government and those in power commit are all deemed legal, but fools don't understand until they're crushed like insects. I still don't get why people lick ass of politicians and authority fuck em all
Calling them "illegals" is just a way to dehumanize a group of people. They aren't "people" they are "illegals"
Moving people against their will who haven't committed a crime against natural law is immoral.
Exactly. The state maintains power by dividing us. Until we realize that the state will persist. Its not by us, and its not for us. These are all lies we are told to keep us in a state of confusion.
Shut your mouth and pay your taxes.
My view on taxes is that they can point a gun at my head and make me pay but I'm not gonna lie about it not being theft and therefore immoral.
All the arguments to the contrary amount to "well if you weren't forced, how would get the money to do x thing that needs to be done". If people believe something needs to be done money flows to it.
I have found the most success in just asking why don't they make taxes voluntary and allow each person to select how their money is allocated? Most people have never considered this. Even the biggest statist in the world knows the government at some point is funding something they found morally wrong.
But it never stops because of the incentives. You can never get people off the gov tit. They may want to cut off some spending but not for the things they like.
Very true. Good video.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @kepford 3 Feb
Unless the state is your god... which for many it is... they just won't admit it. Or if a political party is your god.
Great reminded. The state is immoral and unethical. The state is violence. The state is a monopoly on violence. It must be abolished.
I think one problem most people fall into is getting sucked into an reactionary argument. Democrats are saying many of these things but they are hypocrites as they are totally fine advocating aggression and moralizing things that are not moral issues. Many on the right just fall into the trap of taking "the other side". They don't realize there aren't two sides. They are both on the same side. Statism.
Remember people being turned in by their neighbors for breaking the "rules" or refusing to obey? Yeah. Are you being that person now?
The state muddies the water of so many things because it behaves like a deity that can just speak things into existing including money and morality. Once you realize this there's no going back.