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Today was one of those days when you forget everything. I forgot to bring my water to school, forgot that we had a meeting in the second break, forgot that the kids asked me to find some sources for them, and so on.
When I entered the teachers' room, one of my colleagues greeted me and asked me if I had remembered the 5 euros for the gift of one of our colleagues for whom we were collecting money.
Shit! Now I forgot it again! Since Monday! This cannot be...
Since she only wants cash and no wire or PayPal or anything, I thought about how I could get cash at school.
Deep in my thoughts of how to set up some notes or reminders to not forget it for the last chance tomorrow, I stumbled into my econ class with the 10th graders.
They greeted me and I greeted them back!
Then it hit me! I have orange pilled kids! #862426
I asked who had a 5 Eur bill in their pocket and was willing to exchange it for 5045 sats.
Immediately some hands went up! "The first one to show me his LN QR code wins." And three guys were looking for their phones. One is the winner. I sent him sats, he gave me cash and after the class I was able to pay my colleague.
Sometimes I wonder how fucking fantastic these 10th graders are this year! They will hopefully have a bright future.
#16 #862426 From fanatic priest to schoolyard dealer #14 #840638 Teaching Freedom and Responsibility #13 #817976 Why do we grade kids at all? #12 #807076 "I don't want to have power" Shut up, Pussy! #11 #796546 The kindness that allows us to complain #10 #795148 Are kids more reflective than adults? #3 #769718 The fat kid problem #1 #765129 BTC teacher in Fiat Madland the OG
I didn't realize the Euro was almost at par with the USD now.
Very cool and a good trade for your student. You on the other hand are not gonna make it. Haha
Too bad for me, but they are the future anyway
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 6 Feb
I am sure you can manage to scrape together 5 Euros to replace the well spent sats.
Sadly not with this post it seems :D
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @NovaRift 6 Feb
Wow, Students with an orange pilled teacher! Sure, they have a bright future ahead.
Thank you sir!
Fucking love your kids and their Bitcoin stories, man.
I hope there will be more!