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Would you ever use cash to buy something privately despite the fact that the dollar is going to zero against bitcoin? Of course you would. Use monero is no different except it's digital cash. You can hold bitcoin and spend monero.
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Or you can hold bitcoin AND spend bitcoin. Which I do.
Nothing beats running your own Lightning node. Payments are cheaper, faster, and just as private as xmr when you use Lightning. It's better, and I don't have to compromise on digital scarcity. I also don't have to compromise on network security.
I understand your analogy about using other currencies sometimes out of necessity. But I don't think it maps perfectly to the digital scarcity realm. That would definitely be a fun rabbit hole to explore here, though, so let me know if you wanna go down it.
Yes, it is possible to use lightning with strong privacy, but most people can't. That's issue. Even the biggest retard has very strong privacy by default when using monero.
I don't think this is true. On camera in the "real world"?
No privacy.
Don't run your own monero node (which apparently few people want to do) you lose privacy big time.
Don't hide your location through a cell-phone (from NOT using a Sim, or at least not using KYC-data or VPN and even then the Sim thing is big) and no-amount of on-chain-Monero privacy will help you. Cell phones are HUGE surveillance platforms.
The fact is that people are interested in 'not' getting poorer... if folks were really that interested in privacy they wouldn't be using cell phones at all and obviously they are everywhere.
I just completely disagree with the monero privacy-by-default mantra.
The best things in life aren't easy.
"Even the biggest retard has very strong privacy by default when using monero."
Sure, but in order to gain that laziness, they sacrifice so much. Gain a little laziness, lose a lot of security, honor, and network-effect. There's a reason the biggest retards are using that trash.