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Here's a fun fact for you. Did you know - if it weren't for the fortification in refined grains (in other words, there's vitamins/minerals mixed into enriched flour), the current US nutritional guidelines are SO inadequate that people following them would be deficient in basic nutrients?
That's why, according to the guidelines, you shouldn't eat just unprocessed carbohydrates (like potatoes). At least half of your carbohydrates need to be from enriched flours, because those are fortified.
Of course, this is only required because we're told to severely limit the foods that are actually nutrient dense, like meat and eggs.
The nutrition in the USA is really bad, and the information about it is buried by a $90 billion diet industry that would rather sell you bullshit supplements than to tell you to just eat a balanced diet of mostly whole foods.
I think even more than the diet industry, it's the processed food companies that absolutely OWN the FDA, and thus these guidelines.
Check out the below graphic, also from https://www.nutritioncoalition.us/. Of "experts" who advise about the nutrition guidelines, 95% of them have conflicts of interest with either big processed food companies, or big pharma.
Vitamin D deficiency is a problem in America especially women
Iron deficiency is HUGE as well, and especially in women.
If they just lopped off that bottom level of the pyramid, it would be vastly healthier.
lol. I crush meat and eggs every morning. Just stopped bread and bagels and eat a lot of potatoes