We seem to have consensus on the Sat symbol, but I casually scanned SN and couldn't find any recent discussion, so here it goes: https://twitter.com/BitkoYinowsky/status/1587946308102508545
The SN community was quite active in the Sep vote here: #71561 for your reference, leading all the way back to https://satsymbol.com/
No personal view here but I have to say I find the most recent update quite thoughtful. In general, I would love to see the day where I can shift + 4 my way to any Sat symbol.
This is the way.
The dollar sign actually is used for allot of different currencies. Since the sat will eventually reach a dollar, one could use b$ for sats. For example $1 = b$4948 Eventually the b will be dropped. The line through the S, some say, represents the pillars of Hercules
Thanks for the link, Ayn Rand's claim is interesting, too !
"We seem to have consensus on the Sat symbol" WHAT?!?!?!
Whoops, perhaps not :)
Huh no…@alpacachino is deluded and a shit starter.
Hence the discussion, and references.
😂 🧡 🍻
It does work from a visual and a mechanical perspective. And integration into the keyboard is a bonus. Plus even a “legacy” keyboard shift+4 would be usable with the archaic $. Lol
Looking forward to it !
It looks nice. Maybe you can add those two lines from the Bitcoin logo. The sats logo should be similar but not the same if you catch my drift.
Same same, but different? lol.
Yes, I think I get what you mean... @Brunswick's reminder of the pillars of Hercules kind of stuck too...
$,⚡️, or give me death
so interesting, not what I expected :)
you guys should run a vote, perhaps on the daily thread...