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Privacy and Security

Email isn't private.
Gmail/Outlook exist to monetize communication, not protect it. Sure Proton Mail uses PGP between users and Tuta uses quantum encryption for contacts, calendar, and archived emails and allows users to password-protect emails. But both fail when emailing non-users. Messages get decrypted and stored indefinitely. Ready to be served up to whatever alphabet agency requests it. Or simply queried by any staffer within Google or Microsoft who has a bone to pick with an ex-girlfriend.
Reusing an email address is insecure.
Attackers gather data from the dark web. Building information from data brokers and then building profiles on potential victims. Just by combining from a few data breaches, a hacker can get a full picture of your life. Your email address, phone number, past passwords, address, passport or ID etc.

The solution:

Stop reusing one to two to three email addresses for ALL of your accounts.
A hodgepodge of free services could be used if you prefer a cheaper approach.
So this would look like using disposable emails by Guerrilla mail or obvious aliases created by using free accounts with Simple Login or addy.io work most of the time, but are inappropriate for some purposes.
E.g., if you want to have access to an email for a long time, a throw-a-way Guerrilla mail wouldn't work. Or maybe you don't want to give someone you know or a business you interact with an obvious (and often not very aesthetically pleasing addy.io or Simple Login alias.
But I'll explain what to do if you want what I consider the top tier approach.

Enter the custom Domain

This requires you to spend some money to acquire the domain, but that can later be used if you ever want to launch a website (e.g., mine is "expatriotic.me" which I've started using for my blog.
I prefer this as a solution because it works for every case. It works for the throw-a-way cases, the mid-term cases and even the long-term cases where you plan to retain this relationship and keep the email address active for a long time.
With this method every account gets its own email address. A custom domain (e.g., you@yourdomain.io) allows you to create yourbank@..., yoursocialmedia@..., to infinity and beyond. And whereas with the hodgepodge approach you need to spin up the alias when needed, using a custom domain allows you to use a "catch-all" function where you can have someone email you or sign up for an account WITHOUT needing to spin up an alias. ANYTHING before the domain is a valid and viable email address. This is represented with an asterisks. So that would mean that *@yourdomain.io are all valid. You can then use the aliasing service to deactivate or delete compromised or frequently spammed addresses instantly. In fact at the top of EVERY received email there is a line at the top that says, "such-and-such alias received this email, would you like to deactivate it"? So no more fighting to unsubscribe from certain places.
One side benefit of the method below is that you can avoid the normal spam box hell that occurs when emails accumulate from entities that do not include an "unsubscribe" url at the bottom of the email. Banks seem to have this problem the most. My doxxed email address still gets emails from old bank accounts that are impossible to unsubscribe from.
So let's get into how to do this šŸ‘‡šŸ»


1. Myprivatenym.io: acquire domain

Go to myprivatenym.io and get a domain.

2. Go to proxysto.re

3. Tuta: acquire an email address

  • Go to Tuta and sign up for a free email.

4. addy.io

Information can be found here, but is summarized below
  1. Sign up for addy.io using your Tuta email
  2. Redeem your gift card and upgrade to Lite.
  3. Go to "Domains" > "Add New Domain"
  4. Paste your Myprivatenym.io domain (e.g., janesmith@privatedomain.io)
  5. Go to the "DNS Management" in Mynymbox.
  6. Back in addy.io, click "Verify Domain" - takes 2-15 minutes. It will look like this in addy.io ā¤µļø
  7. Then add these four records from addy.io into the Mynymbox DNS manager:
  • You can check the records for your domain using mxtoolbox.com
Can I mark emails forwarded to me by addy.io as spam?
No, you must not mark messages forwarded to you by addy.io as spam as this can damage the reputation of the mail servers and is against the terms and conditions.
If an alias is receiving spam messages then please deactivate it or delete it.
addy.io is signed up to multiple feedback loops (FBLs) that trigger a notification when any messages are marked as spam. Repeatedly marking messages as spam will result in your account being disabled.

Here is what my addy.io dashboard looks like after a few years of use. My spam box is EMPTY.

You skip the part where you need to sign up for a DNS Only Management Account with MyNymBox. Kinda important.
Use Njalla instead.
And we anons reply anonymously to separated our argument from our person and avoid your ad hominem attacks šŸ˜› or perhaps because we would rather not make yet another account...
Enjoy the sats and have a peppermint tea mate.
Njalla has a horrible reputation mate...
Not sure what a DNS Only Managaement Account is... I used Njalla but plan to re-up with Mynymbox. (hint: people can buy from where-ever, but privacy preserving is the goal)
Tucows will take down your domain if you host illegal shit, and Njalla can't do a thing about it because they're just middleman. Everyone knows that except the teenage morons on trustpilot, and apparently, you?
Njalla is perfect for this use case.
Also dunno why you linked to one off article by an unknown unverifiable brosky who clearly has a chip on his shoulder, but even then, you've only proven my point harder.
Multiple ad hominems. I see three. Nice try anon. Every complaint I've read from multiple sites went out of their way to say they weren't hosting illegal content. Their domain was essentially stolen. But I'll trust you instead anon.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 21 Feb
you doofus. ad hominem is a logical fallacy. not every insult is an ad hominem attack. no part of my logic is based on your or others' lack of personal quality or intelligence.
i'll keep using geurilla mail, paid tuta, and come back once nymbox is 2 yr old to drink your tears. cyanara.
Uh okay? Use what works for you
Got an answer from RandomNym on Signal about the DNS thing
You don't need to sign up for our DNS Only Management Account. It's our DNS tool which is free for our customers. It's not baked into our Client Portal as we utilize our Webhosting Panel for it.
You have to open a ticket to get access to it. That's it. A lot of ppl use their own nameservers
The only ad hominems I launch are to @kruw because he is a paid shill who goes on my posts to call me a shitcoiner. Interestingly enough, ad hominem is only a fallacy sometimes. If the position the person holds is that of a doctor, priest, or coordinator of a coinjoin, it is actually relevant.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 20 Feb
Yeah this is clunky as fuck.
Mynymbox is in a 5 eyes country and uses US nameservers. the only reason they don't have a 2 star review on trustpilot or a scathing article by an angry russian is because they haven't been around long enough to have a track record.
Good on you for recommending a crappy service. This whole tutorial really sucks on a second readthrough. Who is your intended audience?
Not you
Thanks. Another great guide.
myprivatenym.io is inaccessible! Have you done a typo on it?
That's a relic from my rough draft. The correct one is the hyperlink in step one. https://mynymbox.io/domainregister
try self-hosting e-mails with servers distros like freedombox or yunohost, of course you'll need a fixed IP and some managing work but freedom has its costs. Fuck protonmail and centralized servers.
Lol, posts like this are inevitable, and miss the mark so hard.
  1. This post is to get people off using a static doxxed Gmail.
  2. This post represents my set-up.
  3. Make your own guide instead of coming here and saying, "Well AcTuAlLYyyyyyyyy"
Have a nice day sir, and I respect your set-up. Just understand what this guide is and what it isn't.
@ek or @k00b, or just whoever knows about these things. Is there a mechanism I didn't understand that would explain why a 1,000 sat zap shows up in the wallet log and my coinos as 700 sats? No CC were created. Is it to do with the 70:30 split between territory creators and SN?
edit: and now a 36 sat zap is showing as 25 sats in both the wallet log and in my coinos wallet. Doesn't seem to be a routing fee as that's the amount of the invoice also.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 17 Feb
Is it to do with the 70:30 split between territory creators and SN?
Yes. Thatā€™s the split. We call it a Sybil fee. It discourages self-zapping basically.
fyi, Fastmail offers this functionality with or without the domain
Yes many offer services like this without a domain. I'm aware of that. I like bringing a domain because then you own it even if fastmail goes under.
Haven't heard of them
They're in Australia, so Five-Eyes still applies, but they provide a really straightforward way to leave google.
They offer caldav email & notes. It used to be the case that their note implementation worked with Apple's note application, but i think Apple broke that link several years ago. You could probably get it working with Tomboy notes if you were so inclined, and also on a linux box.
And they lack aesthetics.
One can create aliases in free Proton that look like something.random336@passinbox.com
I have Proton Mail, but I don't like to recommend them because they require an email to join... Which begs the question. How does one get a private, non-doxxed email, if they try to create and are essentially plugging in their doxxed gmail to sign up for a private account. It's crazy... Tuta doesn't have this RIDICULOUS requirement and thus gets a rec from me.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 18 Feb
goodness gracious you're wound tight. relax bro. i sed, good guide.
but the entire premise for this is "you don't need an email to sign up for this alias factory"
also, i never said you did or didn't use this or that. yes, this is your guide. we can all see that lol. if you don't want it criticized turn off the comments.
Do people really reply as anon to hide? Good job donating 100 sats to the reward pool.
My guides inevitably get swarmed with, "You should have done this or that..." I'm hoping that eventually people will clue in to the fact that my guides aren't exhaustive. They're my stack and my process.
@itsrealfake with this comment #888542 is an excellent example of discourse on a guide that someone worked hard to make. Just coming by to share something the OP didn't know.
The Proton Mail thread is crazy because it's brought up, I give my thoughts, and then it devolves into a complete denial of the fact that needing email to create email is a classic issue of the chicken and egg dilemma.
When I first decided who to use for this set-up, I almost chose Proton Mail and Simple Login... The only reason I didn't is because Tuta + Addy was cheaper. And now it's mostly a switching cost issue.
It is for recovery. Just make a throw-away gmail account and use it to register Proton. Then make another proton, using the first one, and change the recovery email in the first to the second.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. You should have the option of adding an email for recovery IF YOU WANT after you make the account.
It defeats logic.
How does one sign up for their FIRST email address if every time they're required to give an email address.
You literally just admitted they'd be forced to use Google... Facepalm
That's awful UX.
Creating a throw-away gmail account is not "using Google". I have a number of proton accounts for various anon identities.
I have a thow-a-way account for google play on my GrapheneOS phone. You miss my point entirely.
  1. How does one get a FIRST email if they are always REQUIRED to give an email to get an email...
  2. Most normies existing emails are doxxed and THAT is what they'd use to sign up with Proton Mail
  3. Using Google != using Google??
missed the point. can sign up for proton with some of the temp email sites.....which are 100% anonymous.
also nymbox requires an email also you tell folks to sign up for tuta...so why wouldn't they just du that for Proton?
This is a nice tutorial but it's all a little ridiculously over the top. someone "just trying to leave google" is gonna
  1. sign up for paid tuta (a little less than the price of these shenanagins)
  2. use the 15+ extra email addresses / aliases.
BTW, I got an answer from RandomNym about needing an email and he replied thus:
At the moment we also do not verify if a customer email address really exists. Would be better if we would do it as we run sometimes in issues because of that but that's how it works right now
So technically my guide's flow stands, no need to get your private Tuta email first
missed the point. can sign up for proton with some of the temp email sites.....which are 100% anonymous.
No I didn't. Requiring email to get email is dumb. I do USE proton, I just don't use it for my custom domain or aliasing. Feel free to deviate with the guide at will. It's MY set-up.
also nymbox requires an email
Good point, I should make getting a Tuta email step one not step two. Good catch. And yes, Mynymbox and Addy.io will require your email. Only these two people will know your actual email. Then everyone else gets an alias.
also you tell folks to sign up for tuta...so why wouldn't they just du that for Proton?
Because it's MY guide and this is MY opinion and set-up. HOLY SHIT
someone ... is gonna
  1. sign up for paid tuta (a little less than the price of these shenanagins)
  2. use the 15+ extra email addresses / aliases.
Okay... let 'em. What in my guide prevents someone from deviating. I'm showing what I do. And I state why. If someone doesn't want to follow it... Cool. But why post here anonymously to point out that obvious fact?
That's ugly as shit... Custom domain is better.
They are for registering accounts, not for sharing contacts. Custom domains require a credit card and a server. If the goal is to protect identity, aliases are better. And to be safe from password leaks, yubikey.
Custom domains require a credit card and a server.
You've lost me. I've used a custom domain for years and I don't have a credit card or server... Are you purposefully being obtuse or are you genuinely ignorant. This is the last time I'm replying to this nonsense. Enjoy the post, or don't. Clearly it's not for you. I don't have time to write a behemoth of a guide with every option for every person.
deleted by author
Free? Who said free. Of course you have to pay. But I pay in bitcoin. Read the post. It's literally step one. Look at the payment methods. NO FIAT IS ACCEPTED. No paypal, no credit cards. I never said free.
The main perk of this methodā€”and really the only reason to pay any money hereā€”is the ability to have a respectable email that is good for sharing with contacts.
Whatā€™s ugly? Custom domain is what this givesā€¦
ā€œWith this method every account gets its own email address. A custom domain (e.g., you@yourdomain.io) allows you to create yourbank@..., yoursocialmedia@..., to infinity and beyond.ā€
Protecting identity AND having custom domain is actually easy.
I think the main selling point of this is the ability to have an aesthetically pleasing address for situations where this is important. @expatriotic makes this pretty clear.
Anonaddyā€™s free tier has unlimited standard addresses.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @ACYK 18 Feb
Letting people know expatriotic.me is set up with a catch all email address is a bit risky. If someone wanted to start sending you hundreds of emails to random-text@expatriotic.me, your inbox would be overrun and youā€™d have to switch to auto-deleting all incoming emails from addresses you havenā€™t white listed. This would mean manually adding all email addresses you create in advance (which would negate a lot of the benefit of making them on the fly).
I'm aware of this. I can turn it off at will though, so not a big deal. The person would have done all that just for me to switch it off within the addy.io settings. Thanks for looking out though friend
I made so many emails so I can take advantage of monthly free trials
Nice. Yeah I just like how clean this set-up is. Definitely other people can optimize for cost over aesthetics though
Love this. Slick. Just for perspective, Alphabet agencies will still tie together all the email accounts with the same handle / custom domain, and even minor variations of such. Heck, so will data brokers. So this isnā€™t as hidey as some may think. Youā€™re still connecting all your accounts, but requiring a ton of centralization for analysis to be effective. Unfortunately this centralized analysis is a real and present danger.
Example: you order something from Amazon to your home address, using Bitrefill and Amazon@youranondomain.com that you paid for with lightning. FBI and NSA now know your home address, and that all your accounts like stackernews@youranondomain.com and fatsecret@youranondomain.4wrd.cc are yours too.
Remember weā€™re in the age of capable neural networks and artificial intelligence, where rapid analysis of large datasets is trivial. The difference between 3 different emails and 365 is nothing, if thereā€™s any type of connecting dataā€”in this case the custom domain. Not saying that you must use the custom domain always.
Know what threat youā€™re trying to mitigate.