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I'm not sure where to post this question, so hopefully this is okay here...
I'm wondering what I / we should do here in the US regarding tax season this year. There's a lot up in the air and a lot of changes taking place. What would be the proper action to do in regards to tax season? Should we wait a bit to see what legislation comes to pass, or just file as usual? I'm open to hearing more on this because I'm quite torn.
Thanks so much.
During tax sessions
right on point !
Fucking lol.
every man should ask themselves such questions!
  • am i a taxpayer this year? what about next year?
  • should i try one more year of slavery or should i try one year of freedom?
one advice i got from a simple wise old man: "if you have fear, don't do the thing. if you do the thing, have no fear."
whatever u decide to do, never stop learning. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." ~ Hosea 4:6 KJV
informative documentary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/m0HMy2ul5jyN the best clip from the documentary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qYUvEZ7Crutk
this appeared on What is Money Show recently: https://www.freedomlawschool.org/
should i try one more year of slavery or should i try one year of freedom?
The IRS is getting their money one way or another. It's not freedom to have your account frozen and face federal charges.
Same as every year
If you're expecting a refund hurry up so you can turn it into coin
If you're expecting a bill drag it out as long as possible so you can stay in coin longer
Fortunately tax prep software will let you know if you have a bill or a refund before filing
Everyone should file for am extension tomorrow as a signal of intent. When we see all the people who intend to not file apply for an extension, then we will know what our numbers really are.