I don't belive in a specific religion, I will say though that statistically none of us should exist, so... shmabey?
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42 sats \ 0 replies \ @TheMorningStar 24 Feb
Yes, It's not that there's no evidence of God, just come to India or Nepal and some time in sacred places and you'll soon realize.
105 sats \ 3 replies \ @doubleplusgood23 23 Feb
I had a long bout of atheism from 13 to about 24 after I got involved in my local Church.
I took a hard look at the way my life was going and decided to surrender my life to Christ after a lengthy period of volunteer work.
I can’t say I have all the answers but I do find a lot of Christian apologetics very compelling.
It’s a shame that discussions get so venomous over the question, it feels like there’s a lot of bad actors on both sides who aren’t interested in The Truth and everyone comes out of it hurt.
31 sats \ 2 replies \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
You could say there is spiritual war going on for thousands of years and the best way to attack people and drive them away from God would be by corrupting religion and using it for evil!
My people perish for lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6
Have you checked our Jordan Peterson's new book? "We who wrestle with God"
It is really helping me understand the old testament, which I always had a lot of trouble with.
7 sats \ 1 reply \ @doubleplusgood23 23 Feb
I’ve been really enjoying the Ten Minute Bible Hour podcast most recently as well as Mike Wingers weekly shows.
I’m not Catholic but I do enjoy Pints with Aquinas and Council of Trent on YouTube as well.
I’m very bad at reading books but I enjoyed God Has a Name by John Mark Comer.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
Yeah I listen to the audiobook haha, it is cool especially when the author narrates it themselves. I will check those out thanks!
143 sats \ 1 reply \ @jgbtc 24 Feb
Short answer "yes" with an "if". Long answer "no" with a "but".
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jon_Hodl 24 Feb
One of the best memes ever.
41 sats \ 8 replies \ @alt 23 Feb
No. There's no evidence for the existence of god, why would I believe in it?
21 sats \ 7 replies \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
God is the one who made the "big bang" creation happen, so everything is evidence.
0 sats \ 6 replies \ @senf 23 Feb
Why does a conscious being need to be involved in making the big bang?
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
I don't know, how do you even define those terms?
I am DEFINING God as the thing that created the "big bang"
The Creator
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @senf 23 Feb
What other properties does God have?
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
I believe that God is something like "the alignment" or Truth and Justice in the highest sense. When we align ourselves with Truth and Justice and Natural Law, we can say we are following God.
For example, Bitcoin is a sound and just weight and measure, while fiat money is evil:
The Lord detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him.
Proverbs 11:1
It is important to understand that religion has been used for centuries by humans for evil. Following "the teachings of God" is something that is beneficial to you. Not a coercive guilt trip.
Spiritual works like the bible (and others!) can help give us clues:
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”
Exodus 3:14
(Jesus said) I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.
John 10:28-30
- So I cannot explain to you all the properties of God, this is what I know so far, and what I believe. God is someone who helps me and guides me towards what is good for me.
view all 3 replies
84 sats \ 1 reply \ @DarthCoin 23 Feb
I think this short video explain it all, with the wise words of Alan Watts.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @SwapMarket 24 Feb
Try learning Wolfram physics in the light of what Alan Watts preached, and all becomes crystal clear.
42 sats \ 2 replies \ @flat24 24 Feb
The concept of God that is managed today is nothing more than the fruit of the manipulation created by all monotheists throughout the centuries ... mainly the Church, the largest company and the greatest mafia that has existed for centuries.
God was something brought to upset the plebe and give hope to the slaves of the time. and later the concept of God was brought to the Americas to control and manipulate residents.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @Aardvark OP 24 Feb
That's government, not church.
7 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 24 Feb
Government and the Church Two sides of the same false currency.
42 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 23 Feb
Yes. I'm not sure if what other people believe God is is what I believe God is, especially because the defining characteristic of God for me is that God can't be known in precise, scientific ways, but they are at least similar.
18 sats \ 1 reply \ @Aardvark OP 23 Feb
I'm a stats guy. When looking into the Fermi paradox there was a "rare earth" explanation. It really went deep into the math of how impossible our existence is. So is there a god? It's just as likely that there is as there isn't and we had to come from somewhere.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @jasonb 24 Feb
I first encountered the “fine tuning” argument, which sounds REALLY similar, after reading Dawkins’s “Climbing Mount Improbable.” No joke, that book pushed me from being agnostic into being a theist. I’m a Christian now, but that book was a HUGE step for me. It was kind of the ultimate steel man argument, but without the pushing over bit…
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
Yes I do. I believe in the LORD, who is the one who is, the before and after, the God of creation. I see everything as evidence of the LORD. His law is written within and without on all of his work. We are his wayward children who have failed to follow his law. Instead we choose to know good and evil, and thus we see a lot of suffering and evil in the world that would not otherwise exist.
My God is the one who sent his Son Jesus Christ to us 2000 years ago. Jesus followed the law perfectly to fulfill it and the prophets. He allowed us to put him to death by unjust torture and crucifixion. He did this for our sake and in our place as a sacrifice for our law-breaking. You can read more about what his message is in the bible, look up the book "Matthew" or "John" in any translation you prefer.
It is a short read- see what you think about the story of Jesus as you read it- these books are included in classical education as philosophy and ethics. The message and teachings are very valuable, even if you do not believe the story is "real" at first.
There are however, legitimate and proven historical records of the life of Jesus. There are witnesses that saw and stayed with him AFTER his death and resurrection on the third day.
This image was created by a flash of light so bright it imprinted a photographic negative on rough cloth, at the moment of Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Undisciplined 23 Feb
Short answer: no.
44 sats \ 0 replies \ @senf 23 Feb
Long answer: nooooooooooo.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @shadowybadger 24 Feb
No, but I'm also not convinced he doesn't exist. Agnostic.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @alt 24 Feb
Sounds like you are an agnostic atheist.
A/theism is a claim about belief. You don't believe in god, so you're an atheist.
A/gnosticism is a claim about knowledge. You don't know whether god exists, so you're an agnostic.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @shadowybadger 20h
In my mind you can't be both. So I'd go with agnosticism. I took my family to church yesterday...
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jon_Hodl 24 Feb
I don't know what to believe for certain or with any level of steadfast faith but I think something exists beyond our capacity to understand.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @dough 24 Feb
I dont need to believe, I know. (From Carl Jung, but it applies.) I'll add that seeking God is the through action and more action, and there is no 'end game' where I've found enough. If my small brain could comprehend a Higher Power in its totality, then It wouldn't be that great.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Butterfinger 24 Feb
Yes, I am Catholic
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @SwapMarket 24 Feb
All is one evolving process, whatever you call it
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @79c9095526 23 Feb
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @sudonaka 23 Feb
Including the claim of the negative. "there is no god" ? People throughout time have imagined Gods, angels, or demons- what is this new claim that nothing spiritual is real?
Science only needs one miracle: the moment of creation, the "big bang"
Not to mention the "dark matter" that no one can explain.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @79c9095526 19h
Nope, one does not need to defend the negative.
I don't have to defend a claim that there aren't rainbow colored unicorns that piss from the sky causing rain. I don't have to defend the claim that there isn't a fat cookie loving guy who rides reindeer once a year sliding down chimneys dropping off presents to children.
You must prove your affirmative, extraordinary claim. The burden of proof lies with him who asserts something. If you assert there is a god, prove it.
I can simply say, I see no proof of such a god existing so I don't believe he/she/it/they exist, just like the unicorns and santa claus. Bring me the proof and then lets talk.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @oliverweiss 23 Feb
(I can translate if needed)
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @Aardvark OP 23 Feb
My French is a little rough but I think old man is asking if the kid wants a donut. The kid asks what type, the old man says, the best type! And the kid says he wants 5000 of the best type.
Spoiler alert, it ends with the kid settling for a Hershey bar.
42 sats \ 0 replies \ @oliverweiss 23 Feb
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Sh7 19h
it has ever been clear to me.
We define "sacred" everything that we don't know. Specificatly in the Emotion/spiritual Areas that human being never scientifically studied. It's complicated.. Do you know what Boltzmann Brains are? or Kardashev scale?
There's even a logical interpretation theorically about god existence but we should know what to pray.
You didn't born for someone else's will. Even in those theories you can read that nobody could be an "antropomorphic" figure with human will.
A kind of creature such as described in all sacred book shouldn't have intrest in us..
Belive in a God is like belive that we are alone in the Universe and he cares only about us..
Did u ever read about the evolution of human DNA? we are on the earth from about 500k years but our DNA has information for about 14 billion years of mutations.
Do you really think God cares only about us?
The reason could be very strange but it's easier to belive that we were implanted here by extraterrestral life then beliving in a "God" that created only us in the whole Universe.
There's a theological question that i'd like to propose: "can God make something that he can't destroy?"
I could continue but i don't wanna shake your faith.
I'll be here for any clarification!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Beeteesea 22h
No, but I wish I did. Believing in God (or analogues) seems to have a lot of benefits and makes life somewhat easier—things like having someone to blame, someone who is always with you, someone who unites, someone who watches you and guide you. But no, there is no God.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @orto 23h
If there is a God as written in the holy books, that is, one who loves his servants very much.
So why all this pain?
And why is it hidden from us?
Here is my answers and reasons:
I believe there is a creator and he truly loves his servants. (When societies fell into a dead end or sank into evil, He sent prophets to give hope to the good people within them.)
Our lifespan in this life is limited. But we are made up of energy. As you know, energy does not disappear. Yes, it changes shape, but it never disappears. From here, we can say that our lifespan is endless. So, we are preparing our future in this world. How we react to pain and negativity is not as important as how we react to happiness and pleasantness. Since these concepts are extreme, they are always on the agenda and are questioned. The truth is that all our reactions and the way we perceive reality will determine our future.
It is not actually hidden from us. Because it is a metaphysical entity. In other words, it is impossible to prove its existence with physical scientific methods in this world. In short, it is not possible to use objective experimental methods. However, it is possible to prove it with subjective experiments. Yes, we can only prove it to ourselves. If I do not bore you, I can suggest methods on how this can happen.
1-Sometimes I used "it" and sometimes "he". Because it is not human and therefore cannot have a gender.
2- There is definitely only one religion. All the religions(People think there is more than one religion.) and prophets that have come so far have said the same thing. And they have brought their messages to the people of good character in the society to which they were sent.
3- Prophets have been the communication channels between God and humans. Because God is a metaphysical being, yet He is the creator and cause of everything, and thus He sent His messages by contacting a single physical being. Even the prophets thought they were dreaming at first.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @CruncherDefi 24 Feb
That not how statistics work.
If humans would not exist, you would not be writing this post in the first place.
In other words. You are mixing prior probability with posterior probability. Prior probability of 'us existing' might be astronomically small (or not - we don't know), but in a world in which you already exist that probability is 100%. And knowing posterior probability gives you zero information on prior probability in this case.
P(humans_exist) != P(humans_exist | you_exist) and you only can measure the P(humans_exist | you_exist) part which equals 100%.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Kontext 24 Feb
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 24 Feb
People individually are weak and vulnerable.
Religion gives a narrative upon which to form groups and have strength.
Religion and politics are thus closely aligned-rulers like to claim authority from God/s.
Algorithms look like they have the potential to displace religions as they enable human organisation and structure.