The problem we face in NZ is that while our community is growing, today, we’re dwarfed by the crypto crowd by an order of magnitude, and dwarfed by those who don’t care and will jump in on CBDCs by another two orders on top. We’re growing, but we have yet to impact the general business/consumer landscape here in NZ.
The “blockchain nz” groups have money, interest groups, and industry communities.
As of today, we’re sitting ducks for this.
I’m jealous of the stories I hear from others about their experience onboarding merchants and individuals in other countries. When I talk to local businesses here in my area, I generally don’t get a negative argument, I get “I can’t be bothered, don’t care.”
Where do we find the hook? The problem to solve that gets people to overcome their apathy?
Don’t mean to be a pessimist, I believe Bitcoin wins in the end, just voicing that we have a LONG way to go here in NZ.