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I often agree with people, not because I truly share their views, but to avoid creating any rift between us.
I don't post about my personal life online, not because I'm shy, but because I prefer to keep my matters private.
Sometimes I really want to say no, but I struggle to do so because I never learned how to say it!
When someone sends me a message and I see it but don’t reply, it’s usually because I got distracted by something else, and it remains in my drafts. I’m not being rude.
I talk to myself a lot.
This is my list; I believe everyone has something about themselves that they wish others knew but find hard to share. Is there anything like that for you?
I wish to know why people are asking so many dumb questions on "AskSN".
Because it's AskSN?
So "AskSN" is a place for dumb shit ?
Ask is a powerful word; we can ask anything. From what you might call dumb shit to things that is not dumb shit or stuff, it all depends on the perspective of the beholder.
Just because you write in pink letters it doesn't mean is more intelligent dumb shit. Is still dumb shit.
I see lately that more paople are asking dumb shit in AskSN than in asking pertinent questions in "Bitcoin_beginners"... What happen? Nobody is using bitcoin ? They learned everything about Bitcoin and they finished all the questions?
Hmm.. I guess I didn't want to make it look like intelligent dumb shit. I just love formatting text like I do in emails. People pay 100 Sats to ask something on ~AskSN. You can call it dumb shit or anything you want; it's a free market, people can do whatever they want with their Sats
If you have to ask, you don't know who runs the territory.
King dumb shit himself.
deleted by author
saw it hahahaha
Yea, I'm a dumb shit like I said. I just deleted and answered not on this thread. 😆
If anything sometimes I wish people knew less about me.