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I write this title enthusiastically and dreamy-eyed hopefully. I don't really think woke is dying (yet!), and there is a lot of life left in it, a long effing way go to before most of its civilization-destructive ethos is purged from the West.
Voices like Young encourage me. I generally like what he has done in recent years (esp during Covid!), as for the Spectator itself.

The Cathedral

...is this old, well-regarded, established(!) establishment mix of media and high academia--The intelligentzia, more or less (#829287, #890832).
...is the name given by the right-wing blogger Curtis Yarvin to denote the 21st century’s most prestigious intellectual institutions, particularly in journalism and academia. He’s talking about the BBC, CNN, the Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. But we can enlarge the definition to include nearly all the West’s high-status institutions and professions.
the Washington Post's new editorial direction offers a glimmer of contrasting hope, eh! (#897774)
the people in these power centres seem to be members of the same cult-like religious movement – the Great Awokening, Wokus Dei – even though there’s no Holy See responsible for its official doctrine. Yet the members of the Cathedral all march in lockstep as if they can hear some drummer that’s inaudible to the rest of us.
It truly is eerie how the woke mentality (or whichever term you prefer... we're referring to a thing in the world, not a word) just lands in the same absurd conclusions without prior coordination.
the illusion that their most passionately held beliefs are based on pure logic or ‘the Science’ is being shattered. The cross and the altar have become visible; they can finally see the walls of the Cathedral just as they’re beginning to fall down.
The spell is (somewhat?) broken, and Trump is in large part responsible for that (though anything could have eventually revealed the nakedness of the old emperor!)
The catalyst was Donald Trump’s unexpectedly large victory, which seemed to sap the woke citadels of their aura of invincibility. Almost overnight, MSNBC’s primetime audience fell by a staggering 53 per cent, while CNN’s fell by 47 per cent.
Perhaps the social-desirability bias, and the social bonus points one got from expressing woke ideas will turn negative: expressing them in polite society yields you negative points (oh, a kid can dream!)
Regurgitating the orthodoxies of the woke church used to be a way of signalling you were a member of the Brahmin elite, but since November they’re no longer high-status opinions.
Anyway, well worth a read.

non-paywalled here: https://archive.md/pO5AE
Losing the popular vote was probably pretty eye opening. The thing is, there's so many people who have been radicalized, thst we will be stuck with it for a generation. It won't have the same clout, but 50 years dekm now you're going to hear this shit occasionally spewed in retirement homes.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @nichro 27 Feb
This will happen
Antiwoke will be next to erect its Cathedral. Marching in lockstep. Regurgitating the orthodoxies of the antiwoke church.
The pendulum went too far in the woke direction. My guess is that it'll go too far in the antiwoke direction when swinging back.
History works in cycles.
My hope is that neither the woke and the antiwoke movements survive.
that's possible, for sure, but very premature to call for it by now. After Vance has been re-elected President in 2032, and the MAGAs still running the show, then perhaps I'll allow that there has been a new Cathedral constructed. (and then I'm looking forward to smashing that too!)
I'm not sure those conclusions were as uncoordinated as we were led to think.
who are the dark-room type peeps, in your view?
I don't have a great sense of what the plan was, but we're seeing that this was being pushed heavily by USAID and I'm sure we'll find more of the same in the other departments, as their past work starts being made public.
I know there were directives from the Biden administration for government researchers to shoehorn DEI into everything (slight exaggeration).
just about to read this. I guess we'll see if Mr. Rajan agrees:
Its not dead yet, some people are really holding on tight to it. I believe my company is still holding on the DEI. So l am sure the wokeness wont leave anytime soon.
I'm sorry to hear that!
I dont really care. Eventually value wins out.
Nothing to cheer about, just another battle won but the culture war goes on
Yes! Now with nostr we have a free speech atomic bomb.
Woke hasn't even awoken, yet...
Woke or anti-woke is all the same distraction tactic, just ignore it and focus on important things.