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Haha I must break my dog's treats in half. I have a 2.5kg min pin at home :)
I do too. I swear the two dogs watch how many treats the other one gets to make sure they're not getting screwed.
I thought my min pin was going to be dumb I must admit. But she surprises me everyday on how smart she is. She learned how to go to poop and pee on this tray with a diaper over it in 3 weeks. Because we live in a cold country so taking her outside with rain and snow would not be fun for her or us.
They're of above average intelligence according to some rankings, I think. They're cool looking dogs, too. Photos?
Here you have them mate. She is brown btw. Not sure if you can see. Phone might not be the best
Very cute! Love those ears. How old is she?
She is 18 months old. I have big ears too so it's kind of ironic lol