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Education doesn't do much, and medical intervention defiantly has drawbacks. So what is the correct strategy?
172 sats \ 1 reply \ @Satosora 3 Mar
Until people want to take responsibility for their own health, this is not something that will improve.
That's not gonna happen. šŸ¤£
Product liability
You'll be amazed at how much would change if pharma and "food" manufacturers could be held liable for not properly disclosing known adverse health effects of their products.
Like this chocolate bar contains sugar, you can become obese or get a heart disease?
"Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to heart disease and diabetes."
Something like that. I'm mostly thinking about the weird synthetic additives in American food, though. Lots of things that are illegal pretty much everywhere else.
And linked to cancer.
That didn't really stop smokers from smoking.
Are you sure? Smoking rates have collapsed.
People got priced out IMO and now tobacco has direct competition with vapes.
Vaping came on much later and still the rates are way below the high.
Getting priced out is part of what happens with product liability. The product immediately becomes more expensive to produce, so producers can't afford to push as much product at the same prices.
You might want to counter with taxes being the cause of higher prices, but I'd argue those are also downstream of acknowledging the health problems.
I never met a smoker that didn't know it was killing them. When I started smoking I knew it was bad for me. I'd argue the taxes came from a greedy government taxing a product because they knew users couldn't quit. I don't think the negative health effects had much to do with that.
If knowing the risks prevented people from doing unhealthy things, nobody would be unhealthy.
Making cooking and growing produce a mandatory part of the curriculum. When kids know how to grow their own vegetables and use them, they have the means to fend for themselves
I'm not positive if that would help or not, but I agree none the less. I think that's a great idea with no downside
We cannot.
You're probably correct
The problem with education is that it's going in the wrong direction. The more you "educate" about nutrition now, the more people will be mis-educated, and will be convinced that they should eat the following:
  • vegan foods
  • more fiber
  • more fruits and vegetables
  • more grains.
And nutritional education now tells you to eliminate meat, eggs, whole fat dairy, etc - anything with saturated fats. Even though science has known for decades now that saturated fats are not bad, and that lower carb diets can bring about seemingly miraculous cures.
I think the USDA (source of the US nutritional guidelines) should be abolished, number 1.
There's also a problem in the opposite direction where people think you're supposed to eat no fruits or vegetables. Too many people are making money off of making bold unsubstantiated claims in the fitness and nutrition industry.
While i don't think there's anything particularly wrong with things like the carnivore diet, I'd argue that any balanced diet full of mostly single ingredient foods is going to be fine.
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @alt 4 Mar
I haven't looked into it, but I strongly suspect you're right on the mark with that last remark.
I think a great deal of the benefits that come from the carnivore diet aren't actually from cutting out non-meat food, but rather are from cutting out all the highly processed cereals and grains.
Fruit and vegetables are good for you, so is meat, and natural un-processed carbs. It's the artificial stuff that contains a billion ingredients that's the problem.
The whole "fruit and vegetables are good for you" idea is so very deeply ingrained in culture and nutritional teaching now. It was a huge shock to me when I first started reading credible sources saying no, fruits and vegetables are not superfoods, it's meat and eggs that are the superfoods.
I'll refer you to the book The Big Fat Surprise, by Nina Teicholtz. I wrote up a post on it This book is blowing my mind - The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholtz
Also I wrote up this post Weird, oddball health improvements I've experienced on the Carnivore diet, all about the changes in health I've experienced since starting the carnivore diet.
@elvismercury asked the very good question, "Where were you starting from?" In other words, were you starting from a complete crap diet?
And my answer was - I switched to a carnivore diet from a what would be considered a very good diet, according to current nutritional advice. Full of fruits and veggies, and whole grains, and limited in meat. See details here: #882782.
"Super foods" is a made up term to sell you on diets. If you disagree, tell me a definition of "super food" that anyone agrees on.
We could stop subsidizing the corn industry.
I actually agree.
Health is the ultimate wealth. Value you time as the most valuable asset in life. Quality time and quality of life! Presence over presents!
It's a huge problem.
There are many lobbies pushing trash food into schools...
If you read "Fiat Food" and watch this video from Yes Theory you will comprehend how deep this issue goes.
private education is the strategy: proper knowledge, its understanding, and application. "grandma's wise words."
state & corporate sponsored education makes people sick, while state & corporate sponsored medicine keeps people sick. subsidies make the above more affordable for normies who live on & by fiat amidst inflation.
Bullying is very effective, as I've seen many cases cure themselves after being savagely bullied about their weight. It works by means of sheer incentivisation, that if they do the work, the bullying will stop.
Bullying has been proven time and time again to be ineffective and often has the reverse effect.
Even if you have anecdotal evidence of psychological abuse working, this is not the answer.
I will entertain an argument that perhaps bullying is not the right word, but the evidence is empirical because I've seen it with my own two eyes. More than once. Anyone who says it doesn't work is a part of the problem.
It's the natural approach, because obesity is and isn't an inherited thing, so you can't just blame parents. Although they are more often than not the prime contributor. It's a culmination of bad choices. Habits that, when left unchecked, will run your life into an early grave.
Drugs and therapy definitely only enable these habits. Diet and exercise are what's needed, but most people who suffer this condition need to be pushed out of their laziness to do it. Sometimes rather harshly before they are finally awash with the motivation to change.
You're talking about about anecdotal evidence. And it doesn't work. Studies have shown that it has the reverse effect more often than not. Saying "You're part of the problem if you disagree with me" doesn't make you correct. It just makes you sound ignorant.
Bullying does not work. You can't force someone to change by making them feel bad, it just makes you a piece of shit.
It's not forcing someone to change by making them feel bad. It's forcing them to feel bad about their bad choices, which eventually does lead to change. If they are cottled and babied and otherwise enabled and filled with entitlement about their bad choices, they will certainly make more bad choices. Removing consequences for bad choices leads to more bad choices.
No it doesn't. It more often then not makes them hide their behavior and creates eating disorders. What you're talking about isn't effective.
All you're doing is being an absolute piece of shit if you're bullying someone. There's no justifying your dog shit behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.