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72 sats \ 13 replies \ @Undisciplined 19h \ parent \ on: What would you consider a fair wage to be for a teacher? AskSN
The other element I'd add to what you're saying is that the job doesn't need to be as unpleasant as it currently is. Much of the aggravation teachers feel is because they're required to put up with egregiously bad behavior from students. Better administration, with an eye on fostering a good learning environment would make teaching a much more pleasant and rewarding job.
I hear just as bad behavior from parents too.
Yes, and highly correlated with the bad student behavior. If administrators had the teachers' backs more often, it would actually be a very attractive job at the current rate of pay.
I still think they're underpaid for the level of education required.
Education degrees are by far the easiest to attain, so you have to deflate their value accordingly. Then, as others have noted, you have to account for the numerous non-monetary benefits of the job.
Do they cost less to attain? If not, it's kind of moot imo. They still have to invest as much into their education.
How much they cost is irrelevant. That's a reason not to pursue it, not a justification for higher pay.
The strongest reason to pay them less is that teachers have very little to show for themselves. We have decades of very detailed data on education and future life outcomes. There's arguably no evidence to think teachers are making a positive difference. Outcomes are entirely explained by things like home environment and demographics.
If you just compare the terminal degree (e.g. masters degree), that would be true. But I wouldn't necessarily call a "MA in Education" an actual education.
(Sorry, I know a lot of teachers who have Masters in Educations, and even some Ed.D's, but I'm going on the record and calling out your training!!)
There's ample evidence that education students have the lowest scholarly aptitudes on average.
Everyone, including the teachers I know personally, knows that ed programs are a joke.
I also find it interesting that the Ed.D's are usually the ones that insist on being called "Doctors".
I'm surrounded by PhDs, in real disciplines, and none of us insist on being called "doctor"