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Hello Stackers
Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread of SN ~HealthAndFitness 💪Club.
In the club we..
  • Share our daily workout 🧘🤸🚴🏋️🧗🏊⛷️goals and results
  • Ask questions to the experts (fitness freaks)
  • Applause with zaps⚡ and comments on your success.
  • Also boo you (all of us) when you miss your workout routine. 🤣
The first thing you gotta do is join the ~HealthAndFitness club is share your workout routine in the comments.
The cost for joining the club is (only) 10 sats. 😜
Here's a great video The Man Who Figured Life Out
Today's Question

Have you figured life out?

Commitments (You're accountable)

  • @Kontext - Watch out "his Daily Pushup Tally" in the comments.
  • @denlillaapan - Publishes weekly "Lazybones" and PROVES his hard Gym sessions with pics.
  • @Coinsreporter - Remains hugely under par on his weekly challenge. (Abandoned it?)
  • @Undisciplined - Watch out for his priceless health suggestions you won't find anywhere else.
  • @cryotosensei - posts his daily steps with proof. (Had 17000+ steps yesterday!)
  • @realBitcoinDog - The Daily Abs, however real but surely going downhill.
  • @Aardvark - Watch out in the comments for his prolific workout plan. *(He's an AARDVARK!)
  • @LibertasBR - He's on a weight loss mission. Can he cut it down this week as well?
  • @Public_N_M_E - Still nursing a rib injury. But now hiking on weekends. Wish him health!
  • @BitcoinIsTheFuture - watch out for his commitment to health and great suggestions.
As for my commitment, I've decreased my screen to > 6 hours on an average, do meditation and Yoga for an hour daily, follow Aayurveda.
Now jump in the comments and let your fingers workout.
And as always... Stay Happy and Healthy.
I haven't figured life out, but I think I might be getting closer.
How many percent to Nirvana?
Who knows? It's like climbing a mountain: usually when you think you're almost to the top, your learn there's much further to go.
What is the point you want to reach to feel that you have achieved your goal?
More purposeful time use
Day 509 of 100+ pushups per day; day 408 of 120+ pushups per day, sets breakdown: 4x36 normal/narrow; Total: 144
Some of you may know that I'm quite into having big meals with long periods of time between them. Yesterday the meal ended up being much larger than I first thought it would be...
Definitely have not figured life out. I may have figured some things out, but experience says there's a lot to still learn and work on.
Kept the running streak going and “ran” an errand to pick something up at the store on it! A lean way to live. 168 hours in a week, gotta maximize them!
Tomorrow is the day of truth. One kilo less or another week below the goal.
Unfortunately, this weekend we have a family event with a delicious Brazilian barbecue. I won’t try to resist the temptation of eating the meats, but I’ll try to stick to the rules when it comes to the side dishes.
Yesterday was push day.
Bench press 175 lbs 3 sets of 10. Got 9 on the last set, better than last time.
Incline dumbbell bench 45 lbs 3x10. 11 on last set
Tricep push down 80 lbs 3x12 10 on last set.
Single are tricep overhead 3x10 at 15 lbs
Lateral raises 15 lbs 3x12
Excuse me. It should be Life figuring me out. I’m an engima
Excused 😂 As if life is our slave and we own it!